Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.. Publishers of the Robin Wood Tarot deck by Robin Wood & Micheal Short c. 1991 Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Page of Pentacles reversed
Blog Post #8 – Tarot Card for the Week of Sept. 24th – Sept. 30th
Two significant things happening during this week. One of them, the Full Moon in Aries tonight which will encourage and support boldness and passion in your life. This is a good time to be creative, take more but planned out risks, and to let your passionate nature out to howl at the Moon!!! You may feel more amorous and sensual than usual, so don’t be afraid to express that part of yourself. You may find your creative juices are flowing and you want to create and manifest your hopes and dreams and give birth to something new in your life. The second thing happening this week, is … my Birthday falls during this week which is fitting, as I was born under a Full Moon many years ago. Go figure! A Tarot Reader born under a full Moon!!! But without further ado, let’s get to this weeks Tarot Card Reading…
The Page of Pentacles reversed can tell you that you are feeling a little rebellious this week. Like that bad boy/girl ‘rebel without a cause’ type person. You want to do something different, just because you can. You want to fly in the face of convention, let your hair down, be wild and free. Fight for the sake of fighting and argue for the sake of winning, whether the subject is important to you or not. You are feeling a little dangerous this week, tired of being the good boy/girl or someone elses’s doormat. This is all fine and good… to a point. But if you take this attitude too far, you may find it could cost you more than you bargained for. If you are spouting off at work, it could get you a reprimand in your personnel file or even worse… you could get demoted or have your pay docked or even find yourself without a job at all! Or on the other hand, you may be feeling scattered and lack luster, with a serious lack of motivation. You may find that you have no enthusiasm for your work or assignments. If you are a student, you may be playing more than studying and find when that big test or presentation rolls around, you aren’t prepared at all and bomb the whole thing. Pentacles are all about manifesting your goals and dreams, as well as day-to-day work and survival issues. And Pages are about new beginnings, fresh starts, and focusing on there given suits. Pentacles are the earth and physical plane suit. They deal with everyday living concerns. Money, finances, work, building, manifesting and surviving. The Pages also deal with news. So the Page of Pentacles deals with news about all things earthly and physical dealing with your everyday survival issues. Since this Page of Pentacles is reversed, it can indicate bad or delays in news concerning the earth or your physical everyday concerns such as bad news about money, school, or even your or someone else’s physical well-being. It can mean you are having trouble concentrating or carrying out your day-to-day tasks or dropping the ball on some important project you have been working on or money or news about finances or health issues isn’t good or will be delayed. This card is telling you it’s ok to voice your wild and carefree side, but do it in a respectful manner in order to protect your best interests. It’s ok to play, but balance it outwith some hard work too. Be mindful that you may be feeling unmotivated and scattered this week, so try to at least get a minimum done to keep yourself out of the doghouse. Nurture yourself and give yourself some space and time dedicated just for yourself in order to get through this week unscathed. The key to allowing yourself some freedom without suffering any lasting consequences is BALANCE! Be wild and crazy in your free time, not when you should be getting your work done. In health matters, give yourself some downtime… even take a day off just to rest up if you need it, but be ready to put in some extra effort when you return to make up for it. In finances, don’t make any major decisions this week… it can wait till things settle down next week. If your check is late, hang in there… it will be there next week. Let your rebellious nature have some free time and expression, but do it after work… you’ll be better off for it come Monday!
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