Born today, 2018 years ago in the city of David (Bethlehem), was Jesus Christ our Lord. Happy Birthday, Jesus!!!
Artwork by Audrey Rawlings Arena
Artwork by Paul Heussenstamm
Jesus & Mary Christmas 2018
JESUS/OPEN YOUR HEART TO LOVE: Everything that you desire and every prayer that you seek comes as a result of opening your heart to both sending and receiving love. Your heart is the gateway to receptivity. It is the answer to every question you have about your love life, relationships, health, life purpose, and so forth. The more you allow yourself to love, the greater depth and meaning your life holds. Jesus and the other ascended masters will support you in this endeavor, ensuring that you’re protected and safe as you open your heart to love. Additional meanings for this card are: To manifest a soul-mate relationship, heal any fears about giving or receiving love. Forgive those who seem to have hurt you. Be loving with yourself. Do energy work to open your heart chakra. Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness was profound and led to many demonstrations of miraculous healings. Jesus helps anyone who calls upon him, regardless of the person’s religious or spiritual beliefs. Call upon Jesus for help with healing yourself or others emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually.
MOTHER MARY/NURTURE YOURSELF; You’ve given a lot of yourself lately, and now it’s time to give something to yourself! This card has been chosen today because you need to nurture yourself. This means taking good care of your body through sleep, detoxification, and exercise. It also means taking care of your needs as you would for others. To have more energy, abundance, peace, purpose, and everything that you desire, nurture yourself. Additionally, this card means Balance giving to others with receiving for yourself. Honor your inner voice. Get some rest. Take care of your body. Nurture your inner child. Your life’s purpose involves helping children. Mother Mary is with you, helping and guiding you. Mother Mary is the beloved mother of Jesus who is renowned for her purity and compassion. Mary helps children (including our inner children) and caretakers of children. You can ask Mother Mary for a Divine assignment to help children as your life’s work.
Author; Doreen Virtue, Ph. D. c. 2007. Published and distributed in the United States by: Hay House, Inc.:
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