Strength. Courage. Fortitude. Conviction. Energy. Determination. Resolution. Defiance. Action. Confidence. Innate ability. Zeal. Fervor. Matter over mind. Mind over matter. Accomplishment. Warrior for a cause. Calm control. Composure. Conquering ones instincts and fears.

This weeks Tarot Blog Post card is Strength. Since this week in the United States is the Thanksgiving Holiday and a time to spend with Family & Friends instead of working, I’m Re-Posting the main body of a previous Blog Post I wrote on this card a few months ago so that I too might enjoy the Holiday. I’m adding a thought for the Holiday madness of trying to get along with numerous Friends and Family in a usually too crowded space for the amount of people present.

When you feel like pulling your hair out, yelling profanities, or “telling it like it is” loud and clear at the top of your lungs in front of your guests; Look up and murmur under your breath… “Lord, give me STRENGTH!” Then while remembering this cards image: Take several deep breaths and slowly count to three. Calm down, compose yourself,  and KNOW with certainty, there’s nothing you can’t do… even this! Soldier on because you are a Warrior! You’ve got this!!! And have a blessed and peaceful week and /or Thanksgiving!                      

You may at first glance think this card brings the energy of fierceness, and although it does… it’s primary energy is that of compassion. “What!?” you might say. But yes, it’s about calming our fears and doubts, using compassion towards ourselves and others. Look at the card. She’s stroking a Lion! She’s calming down his instinctive nature with gentleness and compassionate. You don’t always have to be loud and fierce to be strong. Sometimes gentle strength and compassion speak louder than harsh words and bravito. When we come upon a scared animal we want to come closer to us, do we yell and growl at it? I think not. We gentle our voice and fill it with compassion. This is the energy this card is asking us to express this week. Do you have someone in your life that yells, growls and tries to to convince you how brave and fierce they are with their display of bluster?   Yet you know in your heart it is all coming from a place of pain, fear  and a lack of confidence? Yep… that is the energy of this card. It is asking you to be strong yet gentle with yourself and others you come in contact with whom may growl at you or react instinctively out of pain, fear or a lack of confidence. Don’t let all their bluster fool you. It’s all a big show. Know that their growl is worse than their bite. They are really just a pussy cat once you take the time and effort to tame them. When they growl at you, react with kindness and compassion. Be gentle and calm their (or your own)  fears.  On the flip side of this card, it may be that you have been too demur and now it is time to show your Lion or Lioness side. Step into your power with confidence and fierceness. Show the power of your convictions. Stop letting others make you play small or plant little seeds of doubt in your mind. Act with strength and determination. Don’t be a doormat any longer… show them what you’re made of! Stand up for yourself. Say “I’m here, I’m not going away. I’m here to stay!” I’m proud of my accomplishments and I plan to make my mark on the World. Know that anything worth attaining can be accomplished with will and determination. You want it? Then go get it! Acting like a shrinking Violet isn’t going to cut it! Step out and shine, baby!!! It’s time to fortify your sense of Self and step into the true you whom is strong, powerful, confident, competent and a force to be reckoned with! Own it! Be that Lion or Lioness you know is within you! Stand up and be counted!!!


Hi! I’m Purple Swan* The face behind Purple Swan Tarot and this weekly Tarot Blog Post. I’m an empathic yet Logical Tarot Reader, Reiki Master  for both human and Pets & I make some pretty awesome Gemstone Jewelry pieces too! To check me and all I offer out, click on the Button below.

An Eddison ~ Sadd Edition. The Druid Craft Tarot, Illustrastions c. by Will Worthington, Text c. by Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm 2004. First St. Martin’s Edition 2004. Edited, designed and produced by Eddison Sadd Editions Limited. St Chad’s House, 148 King’s Cross Road, London WCIX 9DH

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