For this week’s Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post, Pick one of the Cards in the picture below for your Tarot Reading of the week.

No Peeking…

or scrolling ahead until you pick your Card. Use your intuition. Which Card is calling to you? Then choose Card 1 (top left card), 2 (lower bottom card), or 3 (top right card). After you have chosen your Card…



scroll down and read the message it holds for you for the week ahead.










Card #1:

Nine of Cups

~Magic Genie who grants your wish 



~Worldly pleasures

The Nine of Cups is a fabulous card to choose. It is known as ‘the wish card’. Who wouldn’t want to have a wish fulfilled? Whether big or small, a wish you have been hoping for will soon come true. This also suggests to give thanks to those who have helped make this happen for you. Show your gratitude whether this is towards a person, just good luck, or even towards yourself for putting in the hard work necessary to make this happen. There is also a bit of a warning however, ‘be careful what you wish for because you just might get it!’ Be sure you’ve really thought about the outcome if you were to get your wish. If it’s a car or house you wish for, can you really afford the payments after the initial purchase? Is that special someone really the best thing for you or do they come with way to much baggage and will halt your future growth? All in all though, this is a beautiful card to have. Your wish is the Genies command…  so enjoy your good fortune but don’t sit on your laurels. Also, this cards indicates we will be enjoying worldly pleasures such as good food, good wine, sensual encounters and the things money can buy. So there is an added warning to be moderate while partaking of these pleasures. We could end up over indulging and gaining weight, getting a hangover, getting involved with the wrong person, getting pregnant, or over spending. There’s still one more task ahead before completion.

Card #2:

Six of Wands

 ~Winning your battles



The Six of Wands is celebrating about our achievements. Something you’ve been working on for possibly a long time has finally culminated in success. You are thrilled, and everyone is thrilled FOR you. Finally you have overcome all those obstacles that were standing in your way, blocking your progress. Perhaps there is an award or public recognition of some kind associated with this achievement. This card also speaks of how important other peoples opinions are to you. You want everyone to like and approve of you. So much so that you may go so far as to change yourself  for them, or do things you normally wouldn’t do in order to gain their approval. Be careful that you don’t compromise your own values or authentic Self just to ‘people please.’ Also, chances are you didn’t achieve this accomplishment by yourself. Be sure to give others who helped you achieve this position the credit they are due. Celebrating, giving recognition where it’s due and cheering each other on is something everyone could use. It reassures us we are appreciated and moving in the right direction. Take time to celebrate your success, but realize, with sixes, we are little more than half way through our journey.  We have more tasks ahead of us to conquer before we reach the culmination of the ten.




Card #3:

Six of Swords

~Sadly but resolutely leaving troubles behind    

~Moving towards a better place                                           ~Smooth sailing ahead       ~A safe space while in transition                                  ~Escape

The Six of Swords indicates that we have resolutely decided to move away from a troubling situation. This may be with great sorrow that we leave what we once placed great promise in. But now, we realize sadly, in order to grow and prosper, we must leave our troubled past behind. We may not as of yet know exactly where we are going, but it has to be better than what we just left. This trouble could be a bad relationship that hasn’t panned out, a job that held so much promise that has turned out to be only drudgery. Perhaps it is moving out of a house that is lovely, but that we are drowning in debt over. It could indicate a person we love, but that abuses or brings us down in some way and we must put distance between us. It could indicate that this is a mental journey. Where we leave bad, negative or depressive thoughts behind and seek out more positive thoughts. Although there is sorrow in this card, there is also hope. By leaving trouble behind, a better future is ahead.
Since this is a Six, we are leaving those troubles but haven’t yet arrived at our destination (which would be shown as a Ten card). But we are in a safe space now because we have left oppression behind. We have escaped that which oppresses us and are on our way towards better times. Whew!!!


Illustration by Eugene Smith, from the  Tarot in Wonderland  , by Barbara Moore, C. 2018, Published by Llewellyn Publications, a division of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd., 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.

To browse or purchase my personal Tarot Reading offerings or a Distant Reiki Treatment for you or your Pet; Click on the button below.





This week’s Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post card is, the WHEEL of FORTUNE. Synchronicities, Lucky breaks, and knowing that Spirit has your back no matter where you are on the WHEEL of FORTUNE right now. Your destiny may become apparent to you. Lucky coincidences may seem to occur, but it is Spirits guiding hand. In hard times, you will know or be shown the way through. Cycles. Chance.

The WHEEL of FORTUNE has to do with luck, Lady Fortune, Chance, Risk, Fate and cycles. When the WHEEL is in the upright position, luck is with us and things will seem to go our way. Life will seem easier than usual and when we decide to take a chance, we will usually come out being a winner. Lady Fortune is beckoning us to throw the dice, spin the wheel, take a chance, or place a bet. When the wheel is in the upright position, we usually find luck is on our side and we are on top of the world.  While you are on top, accept the  opportunities that come your way. The thing we must remember though is that this is a wheel. And wheels keep turning and going around and around, never staying in one position for long. You may find yourself on top today, but Lady Fortune is fickle and she can turn on a dime. And you know; what goes up, must come down. So, when you are on top of the wheel, enjoy the ride and take advantage of the time and opportunities at hand, because this time is brief. In a blink of an eye, fortunes change as the wheel begins her descent. And before you know it, you find yourself on the bottom once again where things are tough, nothing seems to go right, you can’t catch a break if it were thrown to you. But again, you must remember… what came down, will inevitably go up again, and before long, you’ll be on top of the world again. “Around and around and around it goes and where it stops nobody knows…” is a phrase most of us have heard a time or two. But in reality, the wheel never stops at all. It just keeps on spinning and spinning in a never ending cycle, with no beginning and no end. We are in a constant state of change. So if you find yourself on top of the world today, know that tomorrow you are already on your way down. So be careful as you flirt with Lady Luck. And if today you find yourself on the bottom and can’t imagine how you’ll get up again. Rest assured, the only way from here is up and things will be getting better soon. Then,  before you know it, you’ll be right back on top again. So hang on tight;  sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

Illustration by Ciro Marchetti, from the Gilded Tarot Royale, by Barbara Moore, C. 2020, Published by Llewellyn Publications, a division of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd., 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.

To browse or purchase my personal Tarot Reading offerings or a Distant Reiki Treatment for you or your Pet; Click on the link below.


A mentally motivated youth. A youth who is wise beyond their years. A youth or youthful person with the Zodiac signs of Aquarius, Libra or Gemini. An older person with youthful ideas or who is a troublemaker or mentally immature. Someone who is always on the lookout for trouble. A spy or someone who watches others or acts sneaky. Vigilance. Written communications. A good communicator or speaker. One who is ‘always in their heads’. Arguments over petty things that end in a major blow up, or on the other hand, clear the air. A rebellious youth or person. Secrets. Examinations with either positive or negative results. Perhaps a youth who is facing Final Exams or a person who is having/receiving a written evaluation.

This weeks card is the Page of Swords. The Pages all have youthful energy, and in the Suit of Swords, the energy is mental energy. Since he/she (from here on, he can denote either a ‘he or she’ person) is a Sword, this Page has to do with logic, fact finding, intellectual, thinking, and dealing with or watching out for problems, conflicts and anything dealing with mental activity. This Page is a messenger of communications… especially written communications. So you could could receive a message about a problem or situation that has been weighing heavily on your mind this week.

This Page of Swords can also indicate a young person who is always on the lookout for trouble, and if he can’t find any… he’ll create it just to make others react. He will create mountains out of mole hills or find problems or woes where none actually exist. He gets bored easily and and can become depressed, a troublemaker, restless and rebellious. You can feel like someone is spying on you , going through your things, or watching you, but this Page is sneaky… so you’ll have a hard time catching them in the act.

This Page can indicate a child who is intellectually mature for their age, but at times doesn’t put that great mind to the best uses… especially if they are bored or become nervous or restless because they feel a change is coming up in their life that will force them to put their intellect into use in a way that feels forced to them. I see this as the student that feels the impending ‘Final Exam or a big test’ hanging over them where they feel they have to preform at their very best mentally and are going to be judged. This can be an adult just as well as a youth who is facing some kind of an Exam or evaluation. This can make them nervous, depressed, irritable, sassy, restless and moody. Others may loose there patience with this persons attitude during this phase. The energy here is full of excitement or trepidation for the upcoming change, examination or results. This can translate into that restless, irritable and rebelliousness that I mentioned before, all the while they try and ‘play it cool’, which makes them seem aloof, as if they don’t care one way or the other. That in itself can be irritating or problematic to others who know how important this examination or communication really is for their future.

This energy can be showing up in an adult as well as a youth, so this could just as well be the feeling or situation you or someone you know is embodying. Or a person you will meet or interact with, or a child. Either way, it’s mental energy. It’s about communications, messages, logic, facts, the intellect. And Pages always suggest things that are beginning. So expect this person or these energies to enter your life in one way or the other this week.  The way to deal with this energy is to keep busy or keep the child busy. The Sword cards are about mental action and problems. Let’s all keep that mind occupied in a productive way so the mind doesn’t take matters into it’s own hands and ‘create’ problems where none exist or find something to worry about. If you actually do have a problem or concern developing in your life, remember; the Page of Swords tells you that it is just in the beginning stages. You can nip this in the bud quickly by keeping the lines of communication open. If you feel trouble brewing or know someone who seems to have the weight of the world on their shoulders…, don’t be afraid to lend an ear and urge them to talk about it. By talking about it out loud, things that seem insurmountable when they are tossing around in ones head, suddenly are put into perspective and are more easy to deal with and confront.

Illustration from the Aquarian Tarot Deck by David Palladini c.1970. Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., 179 Ludlow Street, Stamford, CT 06902 USA.

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 Change ~ An ending that leads to a new beginning ~ A necessary letting go ~ Transformation ~ In a state of transition ~ New Beginnings ~Change of status quo or lifestyle ~ The inevitable

This week’s Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post reading is about the Tarot card TRANSFORMATION, which is known as DEATH in more traditional decks. But fear not! The meaning of this card rarely means actual death as some horror movies have depicted it. It literally means a transformation from one state to another. Being in a transitional phase. This card also speaks of an impending change. A change of pace. Changing ones path in life. A change of the status quo. This change will be for the best, but may be met with resistance or possibly even fear. This is not unusual, but it is unwarranted, as the changes ushered in by this card are always for the best. You may be in a transitional period where you have ended one phase and are in the period before the new phase has begun.  This ending or change could be characterized as the completion of one phase in a persons life which leads directly into the next. It could be from childhood into adulthood. From Graduating school, to being set free into the ‘real world’. From parenthood into the ’empty nest’ stage. From leaving one job or career to moving  into or searching for another position. Or the possibility of moving from a place you have become familiar and comfortable with to relocate somewhere new and unfamiliar. Or even the need to leave a relationship that is no longer providing growth, fidelity or even safety or security without knowing what will happen next. With change we break free from the status quo and have to face the unknown. And with the unknown, there is usually an element of fear which in turn can make us resist this much needed change.  Just know this. This is a necessary change which will bring about growth, fertility, success opportunities and happiness. As with DEATH, this is something we may fear and even resist, but in the end, all we will accomplish by resisting this change, is to waste time and precious resources fighting what in the end is inevitable anyway. Don’t be afraid to cut away all the deadwood that is stealing your life and vitality. If you find yourself finding one thing after another breaking down or going wrong. Feeling like you can’t catch a break no matter how hard you try to fix something. Then, it’s time to let it go, clean the slate so the new can enter, thrive and grow.

Another meaning for this card is transforming ourselves. If we haven’t been living the best versions of ourselves, it’s time to remedy that and transform ourselves into better people. If we have been wearing a mask made up of what we think other people want us to be like, look like, act like and it is hiding our true identity… it’s time to remove that mask. To step into, or Transform ourselves into the true and authentic selves we were meant to be. Stop hiding yourself away or making yourself act small or tough to meet someone else’s needs or expectations. Stop trying to force yourself into someone else’s mold… it’s too small now, It’s well past time to shine your true and unique light into a world in real danger of plunging into darkness due to negligence, false, fake and artificial… EVERYTHING! It’s time for a change! Change your clothes, change your hair, change your job, change your life. But however you decide to change, do it for you. Do it in order to become you. Your true Self, not some sad facsimile someone else has convinced you that you should be. No more ‘should’s!’ Stand up for yourself.  Step out as yourself. The world needs your light,  your quirkiness, your unique beauty, your talents, your skills and your voice. The world needs you. YOU need you. Not the you that you think others want you to be, or the you that you feel you ought to be in order to fit in; but the REAL authentic you. Assert yourself, compassionately but firmly to the world. Be big. Be bold. Be Bright. Unfold those new wings you’ve grown over time and Fly! Go ahead, take flight and fearlessly Be YOU!

Illustrationss for The Good Tarot  by Jena DellaGrottaglia. Authored by Colette Barron-Reid c.2017. Published & distributed in the United States by Hay House, Inc.

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The card chosen for this week’s Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post #97 is: Rose Quartz, and it’s essential meaning is: Self-love, self-worth, being enough, worthiness.

When Rose Quartz Spirit appears, you are called to pay attention to one of the most wonderful creations the Conscious Universe has ever brought into being: you! Have you forgotten how beautiful you are? You have so many strengths and a unique set of qualities that will be like magical superpowers as you walk the healing path.

Rose Quartz Spirit has come to remind you of your soul’s worth. Many, many people will benefit simply from knowing you and being in your presence, drinking in the love that radiates from your heart. Trust that the Conscious Universe is always there to fill you up with the power of love whenever you need it and remind you that you are worthy of all that you seek, for you are an exquisite expression of divinity. What a powerful and one-of-a-kind source of healing love you are!

We are conditioned to forget how amazing we are, so when Rose Quartz Spirit shows up, it’s because now is a time for being aware of how quickly we forget our beauty and worth. Have you been falling into a comparison trap and convincing yourself that you aren’t good enough and that you have to work hard to deserve what you want for yourself? No, no, no – let go of that scarcity mentality. Comparing yourself to someone else should be done only when you want to identify those matching inner strengths of yours that you wish to amplify so that you may experience even more love and prosperity. Today is a good day to connect with what you see and love in others and feel the presence of those attributes within yourself. Remind yourself of the times when you have been strong, smart, playful, confident – whatever the quality, it is within you. Know that you have all you need, and you will see your relationship reflecting that you are worthy of what you desire.

Now is the time to be mindful of how quickly you can fall into false beliefs about not being enough, and to take action toward acknowledging your self-worth. Today is a day for loving yourself and recognizing all that is good and beautiful and true about you. That way you can start to see the many gifts you have, some obvious and some too long hidden from your awareness. Discover the incredibleness of you that the Conscious Universe knows and loves. Then it will be easier to let go of the old ways of relating to abundance in the world. You will see that it is yours to enjoy, that you are worthy of the affluence and wealth you seek. Step into fully accepting that you deserve a firm foundation of material wealth.

Rose Quartz is often identified with romantic love, but this beautiful stone in fact encourages us to experience love in its myriad forms – from a mother’s tender care of her child to random acts of service or kindness toward a stranger. Rose Quartz encompasses all expressions of love, including self-love. Meditation with this stone brings the knowing that we are a part of this loving frequency – that we are perfect and always have been.

Illustrations for The Crystal Spirits Oracle by Jena DellaGrottaglia. Authored by Colette Barron-Reid c.2019. Published & distributed in the United States by Hay House, Inc.

To purchase a Personal Tarot Reading or a Distant Reiki Treatment for you or your Pet, Click on the link below.


This week for the Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post Reading, you will be picking one of the Cards in the picture below for your Oracle Reading.

No Peeking…

or scrolling ahead until you pick your Card. Use your intuition. Which Card is calling to you? Then choose Card 1, 2, or 3. After you have chosen your Card…



scroll down and read the message it holds for you for the week ahead.










Card 1.

Stay Optimistic

“Your dreams are coming true. Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs.”

This is it — your time has come! You’re about to collect your rewards, and your prayers will be answered. However, a bit more patience and guided effort are definitely worth it. You’re just about there, and this card asks you to keep your faith about miracles and heavenly magic.

Use your imagination to visualize that your dreams have already come true. Your heart will swell with gratitude and joy, and these emotions will speed up your desired manifestations. Before long, you’ll be enjoying the tangible results.


Card 2.

Pay Attention

  “Notice repetitious signs and your inner guidance, as this can yield valuable information.”           

Heaven is giving you important messages, and by drawing this card, you’re asked to pay extra attention to them. Notice conversations you overhear, comments made to you by others, and inner feelings and thoughts. Look for common threads among the signs, as they’re forms of guidance to help you manifest your Divine purpose and desires.

It’s not your imagination that Heaven is sending you signs and Divine guidance. Anytime you hear or feel something three or more times, especially within a short time period, it’s information worthy of your attention. These signs also give you feedback about your current belief system, since your thoughts attract mirroring experiences. Use these signs to heal beliefs that dishonor you, and swim in the direction that your guidance points you.

Card 3.

Break Free

“Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn.”                       

Sometimes we get into ruts and routines because they feel safe and comfortable. By drawing this card, you’re asked to swim outside your comfort zone. It’s time to take risks and explore new ways of thinking, making a living, or being in relationships.

When you make the commitment to explore and experiment, the world responds by giving you wonderful new experiences. Heaven isn’t necessarily asking you to settle into these new avenues, but to instead test the water and venture out. Sometimes we’ll experiment and learn new things, and then when we return to our comfortable old routines, we’re changed (for the better). This is definitely a time for you to reach out and enjoy new options. Try something new today!

Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards  by Doreen Virtue, c. 2003. Published and Distributed in the United States by: Hay House, Inc.


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Archangel Ariel – STRENGTH


The card chosen for this week’s Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post Reading is Archangel Ariel – STRENGTH. You have great strength and compassion! The kindness and understanding that you give to others are a blessed gift. However, it is equally important to show gentleness toward yourself. You may see aspects within you that cause you worry or impatience. But every person is a child of God. It is by balancing all aspects of yourself with love and mercy that you learn to exhibit those same qualities to people around you.

You are far stronger than you may believe. The situation you find yourself in requires a very soft and sensitive approach. Archangel Ariel can help you stay strong in the face of any challenge.

ADDITIONAL MEANINGS OF THIS CARD: Self-confidence. Patience. Self-control. Forgiveness. Inner strength. Influence through kindness.

Archangel Ariel is the angel known for protecting animals, the environment, and she can inspire great courage in the heart’s of those who seek to safeguard our world. Her name means “lioness of God,” and she can inspire great courage in the hearts of those who call upon her. Archangel Ariel is also known to be an angel of manifesting the essentials of daily life. Call upon Ariel if you’re feeling uncertain or experiencing the a lack of confidence, and she will help you get in touch with your own inner strength.

My take on the STRENGTH card is this:

Strength. Courage. Fortitude. Conviction. Energy. Determination. Resolution. Defiance. Action. Confidence. Innate ability. Zeal. Fervor. Matter over mind. Mind over matter. Accomplishment. Warrior for a cause. Calm control. Composure. Conquering ones instincts and fears.

When you feel like pulling your hair out, yelling profanities, or “telling it like it is” loud and clear at the top of your lungs; Look up and murmur under your breath… “Lord, give me STRENGTH!” Then while remembering this cards image: Take several deep breaths and slowly count to three. Calm down, compose yourself,  and KNOW with certainty, there’s nothing you can’t do… even this! Soldier on because you are a Warrior!                   

 This cards’ primary energy is that of compassion. It’s about calming your fears and doubts, using compassion towards ourselves and others. Calm down your instinctive nature with gentleness and compassion. You don’t always have to be loud and fierce to be strong. Sometimes gentle strength and compassion speak louder than harsh words and bravito. When we come upon a scared animal we want to come closer to us, we gentle our voice and fill it with compassion. This is the energy this card is asking us to express. Do you have someone in your life that yells, growls and tries to to convince you how brave and fierce they are with their display of bluster?   Yet you know in your heart it is all coming from a place of pain, fear or a lack of confidence? Yep… that is the energy of this card. It is asking you to be strong yet gentle with yourself and others you come in contact with whom may growl at you or react instinctively out of pain, fear or a lack of confidence. Don’t let all their bluster fool you. It’s all a big show. Know that their growl is worse than their bite. They are really just a pussy cat once you take the time and effort to tame them. When they growl at you, react with kindness and compassion. Be gentle and calm their (or your own)  fears.  On the flip side of this card, it may be that you have been too demur and now it is time to show your Lion or Lioness side. Step into your power with confidence and fierceness. Show the power of your convictions. Stop letting others make you play small or plant little seeds of doubt in your mind. Act with strength and determination. Don’t be a doormat any longer… show them what you’re made of! Stand up for yourself. Say “I’m here, I’m not going away. I’m here to stay!” I’m proud of my accomplishments and I plan to make my mark on the World. Know that anything worth attaining can be accomplished with will and determination. You want it? Then go get it! Acting like a shrinking Violet isn’t going to cut it! Step out and shine, baby!!! It’s time to fortify your sense of Self and step into the true you whom is strong, powerful, confident, competent and a force to be reckoned with! Own it! Be that Lion or Lioness you know is within you! Stand up and be counted, but do it with gentleness, calm and compassion. That is the true strength of this Warrior/Lioness.

Illustration by Jeff Bedrick for the Archangel Power Tarot Cards  deck written by Radleigh Valentine c.2018. Published and distributed by Hay House, Inc.

To purchase a Tarot Reading, Distant Reiki Treatment for you or your Pet; Click on the link below.

This week for the Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post Reading, you will be picking one of the Cards in the picture below for your Oracle Reading.

No Peeking…

or scrolling ahead until you pick your Card. Use your intuition. Which Card is calling to you? Then choose Card 1, 2, or 3. After you have chosen your Card…



scroll down and read the message it holds for you for the week ahead.










Card 1.


~Relationships                    ~Compassion                    ~Blessings ~Love                                 ~Joy

It is through our relationships with others that we learn more about our own character. From a higher perspective, everyone we encounter is a reflection of ourselves, and the universe has placed around us the things that will help us expand our love and tolerance. We meet people we like and people we dislike. When we see what we consider to be positive traits in others, we align with these characteristics because we believe them to be good. Yes, when we see what we consider to be negative aspects in others’ characters, we refuse to see those same traits in ourselves because we judge them as bad. Yet the truth is that we have each trait within us, either currently or in the past, otherwise we would not be able to recognize those traits in another.

You are being urged to examine the traits you don’t like in others and, rather than merely judge them as bad or avoiding them, look at what they reflect within you. Developing a compassionate attitude will help you realize that often the judgements we make about others are judgements we make about ourselves. All relationships are a mixture of positive and negative – they help us broaden our understanding of life and love, and help us to see more of who we are.

Affirmation:                               I love and accept myself as I am. I love and accept the world as it is. Deep in my heart I know, that beyond my perceptions of good and bad, only love exists.


Card 2.


 ~Telepathy  ~Soul Connections    ~Peace                                      ~Tranquility                        

It is possible for you to connect with others energetically on a soul level and infuse them with love and healing. This is telepathic communication in its highest form. Through the formless light of love it is possible to both send and receive information provided the information is sought and sent with love. Remember that on a soul level, time and space do not really exist because all is interconnected and ultimately one.

The peace and tranquillity you seek can be found by connecting to that ultimate oneness. Go within, for in doing so, you will realize that all is eternal; nothing is ever lost, and that all is eternally present.

Card 3.

australian agate

~Perception ~Strength              ~Courage                                   ~Stamina                        

Your power of perception, along with your mental and physical body, are presently being strengthened. This will give you the courage and energy required to tackle what seems at present to be a complex and somewhat insurmountable problem. This problem involves someone who is incompatible with your ideas and principles. You are being urged to stand your ground, yet keep your calm. Don’t allow yourself to be psychologically or emotionally bullied. All concerned will soon realize the truth that you have already known for quite some time – that this particular person is simply not the person who they present themselves to be.

Crystal Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno, c.2004. Published by Blue Angel Publishing. Victoria, Australia 3150


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This week’s Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post card is, the Ace of Cups. The Ace of Cups is a card of new beginnings and awakenings in the realm of the emotions and psychic gifts. It heralds a new phase or cycle in your life which will awaken new feelings, creativity, emotional issues or psychic stirrings. You could be involved with or enlisting the help of an artistic/studious child or news of expecting  or concerning the birth of a child or creative endeavor this week.

You may be involved with, teaching, caring for or inviting a child, new psychic awareness or an artistic project into your life this week. A creative and/or studious young person may offer to help you out in some way this week. You may experience new feelings, emotions, a birth, a creative or psychic awakening that will bring out into the open, things that have been dormant in you for a very long time. You may awaken, learn or develop your minds ‘eye’ so you will be able to ‘see’ the unseen or ‘know’ the unknowable. This could be experienced joyfully or on the other hand, it could make you feel a bit uneasy. You will be using your intuition more this week than you have in recent memory and may find yourself seeking to develop this gift more so that it may be available to aid you in your day-to-day life. This card also speaks of new feelings of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation which will result in feelings of fulfillment, youthfulness and glee. In this card, we experience new love in it’s many different forms, but the result is always the same. We experience such emotional joy that our cup is overflowing with emotional bliss and love. Our emotional and creative lives are nourished and brought to life again and we feel grateful, renewed and refreshed. This is a very good card to see because it offers us emotional, creative, psychic and intuitive rebirth or literally the birth of someone or something in our lives that will be very emotionally fulfilling. The Ace of Cups signifies a new phase in our lives that will bring with it joy, gratitude and emotional inspiration. Our cup will runneth over with love!


Illustration by Ciro Marchetti, from the Gilded Tarot Royale, by Barbara Moore, C. 2020, Published by Llewellyn Publications, a division of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd., 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.

To browse or purchase my personal Tarot Reading offerings or a Distant Reiki Treatment for you or your Pet; Click on the link below.

Revealing Radiance

“My light illuminates the world.”

Card meaning: There is a luminosity within you that’s expanding. It illuminates others and brings light to the darkness. Your radiance also acts as a sacred beacon that calls the bounty and support of the Universe to you.

The Universe Wants You to Know: Even if you’ve been feeling lackluster lately, know that there’s a vibrant, shimmering light radiating within you. Take time to be still and welcome the light revealing itself to you. Own your radiance, and the rays will expand into the furthest reaches of time and space. When you shine brightly from your heart, the bounty of the Universe showers you with blessings. You are the light.

Questions to Ask Yourself: How can I shine even more brightly? Who helps me shine, and who dims my energy? What do I need to clear out of my life so I can shine even brighter?

Illustrations by Jesse Reisch for the Gateway Oracle Deck by Denise Linn c. 2012. Published by Hay House, Inc.

To purchase a Personal Tarot Reading, Distant Reiki Treatment for you or your Pet; Click on the link below.