The card chosen for this week’s Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post Reading is the TEN of RAPHAEL. In more traditional decks this card is known as the 10 of Cups or Hearts. Yes, when we see this card, it is a good omen for a loving long-term relationship, marriage, or loving partnership with the possibility of a harmonious Family life and within existing Family relationships. But, also, in light of the Corona Virus Pandemic that is impacting us all world wide; seeing this card is asking us to put our focus on the health and well-being of those we love. It is asking us to be aware of, take care of, be responsible and grateful for our friends, family and loved ones. Have you been estranged from your parent? Haven’t talked to your Grandparents in ages? Had a fight with your Partner, Spouse, Child, Sibling, Friend and aren’t speaking? This card suggests this is a perfect time to mend fences, pick up the phone, shoot off a text and tell that person how much they mean to you. This card is all about Harmony in relationships, especially with a Loved one and Family member. Create a Happy-Ever-After Story!

 Many of us have had our schools, Restaurants & Bars as well as most of our sports, entertainment and social gatherings put on hold for the time being. Many of  us have been asked to work from home or our business have had to close for the time being and we have been sent home to wait the virus out. All these measures are for the good of all our people, but this means families are for the first time spending unprecedented amounts of time together. While this can seem overwhelming at first, don’t forget to also see the blessings it can bring. We now have time for each other. We can get the chance to really connect with and get to know each other again. Do you have children but since they started school you are so frazzled just getting them to and from their various engagements that you never have any time to actually learn what’s going on in their lives? Do you feel you actually know them? Are you and your mate so busy with work and appointments that you are like two ships passing in the night? You get up at different times of the day, drive two different cars, eat in different places or times, and are so tired from your hectic day that you both just fall into bed at night,  barely with enough energy left to say a proper goodnight. This slow down in social outside interaction could just be what your relationship(s) has desperately needed. No outside distractions, no meetings, no school, no sports practices to get to. Just your family and you with lots of time and closeness on your hands. Count your blessings. You’ll find they are many. Sure there are going to be big adjustments and at first everyone may be grumbling at being ‘stuck’ with each other. But in short order, you will learn to actually enjoy each other’s company. Learn new things about each other. Have game nights, watch movies while munching on popcorn, have fun without ever leaving home (not to mention the money you’ll save not going out for entertainment!) Protect not only your own Family and Love’s, but accept the responsibility of protecting those in your community and in the high-risk categories as well as the Families and Love’s of others, without grumbling. Let’s all do our part to end this thing. In the meantime, count your blessings, wash your hands often, stay home if you can and enjoy your time together with your Family. This is not only a disaster, it’s an opportunity for love. Let’s all live ‘Happily-Ever-After’! Stay well my lovelies!!!

Illustration by Jeff Bedrick for the Archangel Power Tarot Cards deck by Radleigh Valentine c.2018. Published and distributed by Hay House, Inc.

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