For this week’s Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post, Pick one of the Cards in the picture below for your Oracle Reading of the week.

No Peeking…

or scrolling ahead until you pick your Card. Use your intuition. Which Card is calling to you? Then choose Card 1, 2, or 3. After you have chosen your Card…



scroll down and read the message it holds for you for the week ahead.







~A Bright Future   






Seeing this card in your Reading is an encouragement to not lose hope. With the knowledge that you have been provided spiritual protection as well as the guidance you need from above, you will not falter and can find your way through the darkest of nights. No matter what it is you hope to achieve; as long as you believe in yourself and keep the faith,  anything you hope for is attainable. Your path will be illuminated through your faith and intuition. There is nothing you need do in order to make this happen but to believe! You will receive spiritual ‘hints and hunches’ . Happy coincidences and synchronicities will occur that will open up opportunities and possibilities for you. With the Universe on your side, your future’s so bright that you’ll have to wear shades!


With hope and faith, believe it can be done. Spiritual protection and guidance are provided by the Universe to ensure your path forward is illuminated and your future will be bright.


 ~Ability to Manifest


~Physical Health &   Vitality        


~Infinite Source               

Whatever your soul desires, you have the ability to manifest it. Whether it be health, vitality, something you are passionate about; through the Universal Source, you have an infinate supply of  the skills and tools you need to create whatever you desire. Your cup is always full. Whether it be of knowledge, passion, heartfelt joy and compassion or the tools to create your reality… know your cup will never run dry. Spirit is the never ending, infinite source. So don’t be afraid to dream big, work on an idea, be moved by something you are passionate about. Take that first step. Begin. Start. Manifest it now. You can do it. This card in your Reading is giving you the thumbs up, the go ahead. The Universe is saying a big “YES!” Go ahead and manifest it. Just do it! Make it so!!!


You already have all you need at your disposal in order to manifest your goals. Ask and you shall receive. You’ve got what it takes. Make it so!


 ~Materialism ~Obsession    

~Fear & Anxiety


When you see The Devil in your Reading, something has got its grip on you. You may be gripped by fear and anxiety to the point that you can barely move. Or perhaps you are obsessed with someone or something or you are addicted to a substance or habit that you know isn’t good for you. It’s possible that you have become so driven by the desire for money and possessions that you think of little else and have become very materialistic. Whatever the cause, something or someone has taken you prisoner and you can’t seem to break free. But if you take a careful and honest look at yourself, you will see that all you have to do in order to break free is to let go. You are holding yourself hostage… no one else is holding you in place but your unwillingness to just let go. There is a simple answer to your dilemma. Just let go! Let go of what binds you and be free! 


Let go of your fears, obsessions and addictions or whatever else is possessing you and holding you prisoner. Release whatever binds you so you can be liberated and be free. Just let go!           

Hanson-Roberts Tarot  Illustrations by Mary Hanson-Roberts, c. 1985 . Published & distributed  by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 U.S.A.


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***My Handmade Custom Healing Gemstone Jewelry is temporarily unavailable due to COVID-19 Regulations.

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