Faith in the process:
No matter how powerful we are, how much courage and strength we have, there are times when we can’t quite move ourselves along to the next phase of life or creative exploration. At such times we need some divine intervention-a little help in pulling our trolley along, so to speak. When we are at the edge of our own limits and have no more personal resources, we might be left with only one spiritual power, that of faith. Fortunately that is enough.
As unlikely as it may seem, the invisible help from the universe is often more powerful than the physical efforts of a thousand men. That is because the invisible help is not limited by physical laws. It can shift, bend and move in ways that the defy limitation. It can effect, evoke and influence situations through invisible, but undeniably persuasive means.
You’re in a situation where you cannot ‘set right’ the course of events all by yourself. This is not an indication that you have done something wrong, nor does this suggest that you are not strong enough. It is a sign that there is something bigger unfolding in your life and your willpower will be supplemented by the power of life itself. Sometimes a bigger plan needs to manifest for the benefit of humanity and the earth. You need to shift your perspective to realize that you are part of the greater unfoldment of life, that your individual life serves the greater plan and that you were not separate from its genius. This is what is happening now. You happen to be instrumental to the greater plan and as such, you need to accept your position and be moved, while also being empowered and protected as you make personal progress through your role in that grander scheme.
This is a time for humility and trust. You need complete faith in the processes and events that are happening. There is nothing to worry about, you will be moved most fully and easily, and with the most grace and assistance, through your faithful surrender. Ironically , It is through complete surrender, and total faith, that we become the most empowered. When we no longer are trying to impede the perfection of the greater plan, we can be aligned with and moved by the process. Having faith in the benevolence of life- rather than harboring the suspicion that life is seeking to catch us out. Have a joke at our expense or carelessly toss us about as though we mean nothing- then we can relax a little. Having faith in the process gives you space to be curious about what is taking place and to relax enough to be open to what we are most in need of, even if we aren’t exactly sure what that is or how it can happen. The guidance from this Oracle comes direct from the greater source of life itself. There is now an opportunity for you to be moved from the situation you are currently in, to the next chapter in your life story. You can’t do it on your own. It is too big of a shift. It needs the grace of life to intervene on your behalf.
You will need faith though. You may feel as though the wheels of your trolley are coming off or that they are a bit rickety, but you must also understand that the voice of life is now coming straight to your heart with this message:
“I have resources you know not of. It is safe to trust in my ways and in my wisdom, for I love you and I am guiding you into all that is rightfully yours. Know that what is rightfully yours is what your heart truly desires and you need not fear loss. Nothing that is meant to come to you will be denied and it is safe for you to let go and allow me to move you.”
Through Faith, peace is restored and you are able to know this, and perhaps have some fun in the process.
The Healing Process
Say aloud: “I now ask that all disappointing experiences of the past that have led me to believe that life is not trustworthy or that faith is a silly or immature way to deal with life, be released from my mind, body and heart . I ask for help to accept that I can and will attract all that is needed into my life, at the perfect time and in the perfect way. I asked to be empowered to absolutely receive all that can assist me with gratitude and without shame or guilt. In doing so, I dedicate myself to be a clear, loving, open channel for the flow of life. I know the benefit in doing so is not limited to me, but will flow so that life can benefit others through me. I trust in this now, through unconditional love, so be it.”
You have completed your healing process. If needed, repeat the above prayer each day to help you boost your confidence that everything can and will sort itself out, whether you feel in control or not. In fact, it can do so more easily when you don’t feel in control.
Illustrations by Autumn Skye Morrison for the Sacred Rebels Oracle Deck by Alana Fairchild c. 2014. Published by Blue Angel Publishing, 80 Glen Tower Drive, Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3150.
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