• A “WAKE UP!” call from the  Universe
  • Finding one’s Soul Purpose
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Using Good Judgement

The Tarot Card JUDGEMENT is like a big Universal Alarm clock. You may have been just going through the motions, barely awake and barely getting by. Get up, go to work, go to bed… shampoo, rinse, repeat. Same old, same old. This card is telling you there is more to life. Stop staggering through life on auto-pilot, half asleep. JUDGEMENT is the sign that the Universe (symbolized by the spiritualized cross/angel combo in purple on the card, and if you look close, the bottom of this spirit-cross, flares out at the bottom like a bugle or blow horn so you WILL hear it’s message loud and clear) is send you a message. A wake up call. “WAKE UP!!!” This is your notification that it’s time to wake up and answer Spirit’s call. It is also a reminder to take personal responsibility. Not only for yourself and your family, but for the betterment of your fellow man/woman/child and the World as a whole. You are being asked to do the right thing, even when it’s hard or not the popular choice. Have the courage to do what’s right. When making decisions, use good judgement and common sense. Don’t do something just because everyone else is doing it or because it’s expected of you.  Do it because it’s the right thing to do. Do it for the greater good. Act smart, don’t just re-act. Teach that to your kids and Grand kids too.  But mainly, you are being asked to awaken to your Souls True Purpose (yep, all in caps because it’s that important). To step up and claim your duty to yourself and the World and fulfill your mission here on Earth. It is telling you, rather than just going through the motions in your life, it is now time to take it upon yourself to do what you were put on this earth to do. To answer your Souls cry for meaning and purpose. Have you always felt a nagging deep in your heart that there is something you were just meant to do or be doing? But maybe you felt it wasn’t practical or you felt silly even thinking about it let alone actually doing it? Do you have a gift that you haven’t been using in the real World or have been doing ‘just for fun’? Maybe you sing… in the shower, but you do it really well? Perhaps you paint beautifully but don’t think your work is good enough to sell. Do you aspire to be a Writer but you only write in your journal or leave the stories in your head? Do you have a vast knowledge of herbs or healing but don’t do anything with that knowledge? Do you wake up in the middle of the night at the same time every night and look at the clock and it reads 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44… that’s Spirit sending you a message that it’s time to wake up and answer your Souls calling. Spirit has been at it for a very long time. When you were a kid, what did you play? House? Doctor? Fireman? Police person? Nurse? Food Prep? Etc… For me it was Nun. Always the little Spiritual helper and advisor! ~to be continued, in the yellow print, below or beside, depending on your device~…

Illustration from the Motherpeace Round Tarot deck by Karen Vogel & Vicki Noble c.1983 Published & distributed by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.. 179 Ludlow Street Stamford, CT 06902 USA                      * Click on name of deck to purchase.

Chakra Balancing Gemstone Jewelry



Chakra Jewelry

These lovely yet powerful Chakra Balancing Gemstone Earrings are just a sample of the Handmade (by Me) Customizable (you can choose to substitute one Gemstone for another that I carry) Healing & Balancing Gemstone Jewelry available on my website. Just click on the ‘Chakra Jewelry’ button above to see these beautiful Chandelier Chakra Balancing Earrings and more!

To Browse or Shop my wide assortment of personal Tarot Readings or to schedule a Distance Reiki Treatment for yourself or your Pet, Click the ‘SHOP’ button below. 




To enter my weekly drawing for a FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading, just drop me a comment in the Reply box provided by me here on my website, NOT in the Facebook reply field. A simple ‘Hi’ or how you like my Blog Posts will do. I just like hearing from you and to know I’m reaching you! Also, I need you to use MY Reply box because I need your email to tell you if you are the WINNER and to deliver your FREE Reading if you do win. I do not sell or pass on your email to third parties… so not cool! Then you will be automatically entered! 

Just so you know, I am totally transparent in all I do here on Purple Swan Tarot. I want you to know what I am doing to and why. By commenting on my Blog Post here on my website, my weekly Blog Post and a few (really, it’s not many… black Friday, Christmas and with the changing of the seasons mostly) sales I have going on will be delivered to your In-box. I don’t like having my In-box fill up with junk mail, so I won’t do it to yours! Really, really!   


As far as healing? I spent many hours out in the shop with my Father while he created beautiful Gemstone Jewelry to bring in money during the slow time when he wasn’t working construction, for his side home business, The Treasure Chest. And, I used to heal my friends boo-boos by laying my hands over their wounds… I didn’t  know why at the time, it just felt right.For me it has always been my gift of inner knowing and healing that I’ve been prompted to bring out into the World. But for the longest time, I just used this gift for myself or close friends and relatives. There’s a reason I’m 57 and just recently created my dream, PurpleSwanTarot.com. I felt my calling inside, but I wasn’t ANSWERING the call until recently. Spirit started off with subtle hints and synchronities but I just wasn’t getting it. But the prompting just kept getting louder and harder to ignore until Spirit was using a blow horn to get my attention. Spirit was literally putting articles, websites and books in front of me. Then with a hunger for more, I started frequenting Book Stores in person and a Tarot Deck literally fell off the shelf and onto my toe… ouch!!! FINALLY, I got Spirit’s message and I answered THE CALL. And here I am… putting my Souls Purpose to work in the real World with your help and hopefully helping you awaken to yours. It can work the same for you. Spirit has been leaving you clues as to what your Souls Purpose is for decades!  JUDGEMENT isn’t in your cards today by accident. You are here on my website reading this right now as Spirit’s message for you to “WAKE UP!!!” Hear YOUR call and ANSWER it!!! Put your Souls Purpose to work out there in the real World. Live it. Share it. Put it to use. Step up. Own it. Make the World a better place because you are in it! I hope you’ve enjoyed my Tarot Blog Post #52…. we’ve been doing this a whole year now!!! Happy 1st year in Biz Anniversary to us!!! 

             In Love & Light, Purple Swan*

Strength. Courage. Fortitude. Conviction. Energy. Determination. Resolution. Defiance. Action. Confidence. Innate ability. Zeal. Fervor. Matter over mind. Mind over matter. Accomplishment.

This weeks Tarot Blog Post card is Strength. You may at first glance think this card brings the energy of fierceness, and although it does… it’s primary energy is that of compassion. “What!?” you might say. But yes, it’s about calming our fears and doubts, using compassion towards ourselves and others. Look at the card. She’s stroking a Lion! She’s calming down his instinctive nature with gentleness and compassionate. You don’t always have to be loud and fierce to be strong. Sometimes gentle strength and compassion speak louder than harsh words and bravito. When we come upon a scared animal we want to come closer to us, do we yell and growl at it? I think not. We gentle our voice and fill it with compassion. This is the energy this card is asking us to express this week. Do you have someone in your life that yells, growls and tries to to convince you how brave and fierce they are with their display of bluster?   Yet you know in your heart it is all coming from a place of pain, fear  and a lack of confidence? Yep… that is the energy of this card. It is asking you to be strong yet gentle with yourself and others you come in contact with whom may growl at you or react instinctively out of pain, fear or a lack of confidence. Don’t let all their bluster fool you. It’s all a big show. Know that their growl is worse than their bite. They are really just a pussy cat once you take the time and effort to tame them. When they growl at you, react with kindness and compassion. Be gentle and calm their (or your own)  fears.  On the flip side of this card, it may be that you have been too demur and now it is time to show your Lion or Lioness side. Step into your power with confidence and fierceness. Show the power of your convictions. Stop letting others make you play small or plant little seeds of doubt in your mind. Act with strength and determination. Don’t be a doormat any longer… show them what you’re made of! Stand up for yourself. Say “I’m here, I’m not going away. I’m here to stay!”
I’m proud of my accomplishments and I plan to make my mark on the World. Know that anything worth attaining can be accomplished with will and determination. You want it? Then go get it! Acting like a shrinking Violet isn’t going to cut it! Step out and shine, baby!!! It’s time to fortify your sense of Self and step into the true you whom is strong, powerful, confident, competent and a force to be reckoned with! Own it! Be that Lion or Lioness you know is within you! Stand up and be counted!!!


Illustration from The Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck by Mary Hanson-Roberts c.1985. Published and distributed by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. 179 Ludlow Street, Stmford, CT 06902 USA       * Click on name of deck to purchase.

Don’t forget to enter my weekly drawing for a FREE 3-card Tarot Card Reading. Just drop a comment in the Reply box at the bottom of this post (or just send me your name and email) and you’ll automatically be entered. This will also allow you to have my weekly Tarot Blog Post sent right to your email in-box. Also, I have a Summer sale going on now until Sept. 2nd on my 3-Card & 5-Card Tarot Readings! $19.97 & $29.97 (I hate it when they say ‘SALE!!!’  but they don’t tell you how much. So here is my prices straight up!)

Hi! I’m Purple Swan* The face behind Purple Swan Tarot and this weekly Tarot Blog Post. I’m an empathic yet Logical Tarot Reader, Reiki Master  for both human and Pets & I make some pretty awesome Gemstone Jewelry pieces too! To check me and all I offer out, click on SHOP.


Email: kristy@PurpleSwanTarot.com 

4 of Pentacles


~Stingy~Penny Pinching~ ~Ebenezer Scrooge~

~Money Minded~


~Certainty of Possession(s)~

~The Power  of Money~

~The Midas Touch~

~Clinging to what one possesses~

~Lack of Generosity~


~Isolation due to  a Suspicious Nature~


I’m having a Summer Sale on my 3 & 5-Card Tarot Readings ($19.97 & $29.97), now till Sept. 2nd.
Click on the SHOP button above to purchase .

Illustration from the Tarot Illuminati deck by Erik C. Dunne c. 2013 Copyright  Lo Scarabeo Publishers. Lo Scarabeo Via Cigna 110 – 10155 Torino, Italy  * Click on deck name to purchase.

This weeks Tarot Blog Post Card is the 4 of Pentacles. It’s no coincidence that the 4 on a keyboard when the ‘shift’ key is applied is the $ sign!!! In Numerology the number 4 means ones Foundation. What one builds there life upon. Ones source of safety and stability in life. What makes one feel secure in life. All this is true… you need some money in your life. But there needs to be a healthy and balanced relationship with money or it can possess you rather than you possessing it. If money is on your mind 24/7 or if you work all the time and don’t have any time left for life or those you love… money has become more of a problem than an asset, and you my friend, are out of balance!  With the 4 of Pentacles it indicates that the person ruled by this card’s foundation is all about money and what money can buy them. Now money in and of itself isn’t evil, we all need it to live, but there must be a balance. Some people are so obsessed with it that it becomes everything to them. It’s their sole source of power. You’ve heard it said “he has the Midas touch.” Where everything some people touch turns to gold. This can be a blessing or a curse. When money becomes their whole world and we don’t allow the time to show others how important they are to us and how much they mean to us, love and those we love suffer. This is the classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge and the lesson he is taught by the spirits of Christmas past, present and future. Ebenezer, in the past, before money became the foundation of his entire world, was a kind and loving Lad with a Fiance whom meant the world to him. He wasn’t rich, but he had lots of friends and he was happy. But then, after seeing what riches money could buy,  he devoted himself solely to acquiring all the money he could get his hands on. Initially it was to provide a better life and home for his intended bride. But once he started acquiring his stash of money, greed set in and he became obsessed with getting more and more. He told himself it was for his future bride, but after awhile, even she knew this to be a lie. Ebenezer worked all the time,isolated himself from others because he wouldn’t make any time for them, became stingy with what he already had and didn’t know when enough was enough. Soon he isolated himself from the outside world, including the very people he loved. He lost his fiance as his devotion ‘shifted’ from his love of a woman to his love for cold hard cash. He stopped caring about the welfare of others and only about himself. This is why you see the person in this card holding a coin over their heart… it shows how one can actually block off the heart, (using money as a substitute for love and as a balm for heartbreak) love and life by worshiping money and possessions. It shows this poor fellow has isolated themselves from life (indicated by the city in the background that they have turned their back on). It shows the suspicion and paranoia that can occur when we have an ungenerous character because we think people are only after our money. It also indicates how poverty mindedness can make us stubbornly cling to what we have acquired(note that he is grasping one coin with both hands while placing both feet on two more coins, thus keeping him immobile by his greed). Notice also, that they have a coin on top of their head. This indicates that money is paramount and ALWAYS on their mind, leaving no time of thought for life or others. It wasn’t until the spirit of Christmas future showed him he would die alone and uncared for and how his actions, miserliness and greed cost the life of Tiny Tim, that he woke up and changed his ways. Using his money to spread joy and happiness and at the same time, opened his own heart to love and life and all the joy a generous spirit can bring. This is the card of greed and the miser. So although money has it’s place in our lives, it is an indication that there is more to life than that… or at least there should be. In order for happiness and love to enter your life, you must have a generous spirit and an open heart. You must be willing to open your heart to others and be generous with what you have. Don’t let money become your sole reason for living. After all, as you learned in pre-school … sharing is caring! 

Comment on this week’s Blog Post or just drop me a message in the ‘Reply’ Box below and be automatically entered in my weekly drawing for a FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading!

Want a Tarot Reading of your own to get advice or clarity on a situation you may be struggling with? Need an energy refresher or to ease stress or pain? A Distance Reiki Treatment may be just what you need. Available for you or your pet. Perhaps you want to spoil yourself or a loved one with a piece of my Handmade Custom Gemstone healing Jewelry? Just click the button below!





















Two Card Reading



  • First, the business. I’m offering  my 3-Card Tarot Readings for $19.97 & my 5-Card Tarot Readings for $29.97… That’s a $10 discount now thru Labor Day, (Sept. 2nd) .  
  • Secondly,  I’m doing a 2-card Reading this week . Let me know how you like it in the ‘Reply’ box below for a chance to win a  FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading for yourself!
  • Now,  on to the Reading!

Card #1: THE SITUATION: FIVE of SWORDS: With the Five of Swords, we see two things happening. The first thing is there may be a situation where someone is experiencing heartbreak, rejection, ridicule, embarrassment or humiliation. This could be something small, such as negotiations falling apart. Ideas not beings heard. No one is listening because people are pushing their own agenda and everyone is talking at once. Or abuse is happening (usually mental abuse) or abuse of power. Someone is making others feel small or invisible, belittling another. Someone has been rejected or humiliated, while the person doing this just laughs at their own antics. Bullying. Degradation or taking credit for anothers’ work. Stealing someone’s thunder in order to stay the center of attention and remain in the limelight. This could also indicate having ones heart broken by something someone did or said. You could be the one done wrong to or you could be the wrong doer. Carelessly hurting others in order to look big and now you are the one suffering a fall from grace. The second situation you may encounter is the need to make a decision concerning what to do about the the situation(s) indicated in the fore mentioned scenarios.

CARD #2: ADVICE: QUEEN of CUPS: The Queen of Cups is advising you to go inside yourself for answers. Use your intuition, gut, hunches, intuition and feelings in order to deal with the situation at hand. Try a little kindness and understanding in dealing with this situation or person(s) by sensing what is making them act out this way.  Usually you will find that they themselves were treated this way in the past and they are acting out of insecurity and hurt feelings themselves. This is not an excuse of course, but it may be the reason behind there actions. It may be in your best interest to walk away. Put some distance between you and leave it/them behind you. Then pick up the pieces and see what you can make from them like the Phoenix.  Or instead, let this infraction go this time and just turn the other cheek. This is especially true if you are the one receiving this kind of treatment. Be the bigger person here. If on the other hand, you are the one doing the hurting, know that your actions will come back to bite you. You will suffer a fall from grace in the eyes of the very person(s) you may have been trying to impress. This could be someone you were trying to get the attention of, or even worse, you may be falling from your position of grace in your own eyes by suffering shame and/or a guilty conscious over your wrong doing.  Now you must listen to your heart. Fess up to what you did. Come clean. Offer an apology to the person(s) you wronged and hope they forgive you. You might even put yourself in their position by ‘walking a mile in their shoes.’ By doing this, you regain your position, while at the same time, getting the attention and praise you were striving for in the first place. It is much more efficient to use kindness, compassion and understanding in order to obtain your goal from the very start. “You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar”  as the old saying goes. If you find you need to make a decision as to what to do in order to remedy this situation, whether you are the wrong doer or the person done wrong to; The Queen of Cups always tell you to follow your heart. Go with your gut, hunches and feelings. But use your head before you react. Go inside yourself  in order to find calmness, protection and answers. Only  then, from a position of calm, cool and collectedness can you follow your hearts council. Your heart will not lead you wrong in this situation, so go ahead and let your heart do the talking and the decision making. Acting with compassion, understanding and kindness will never steer you wrong.

In SUMMARY: When you find yourself dealing with hostility, rejection, humiliation, abuse, dismissed, belittled, made to feel invisible or taken advantage of… whether you are the one dishing it out or the one being done to; The Queen of Cups is advising you to go inside yourself for answers. Listen to yourself as well as to others. Put yourself in the other guys position in order to understand what made them act the way they did. Use your gut reaction, hunches, intuition and feelings in order to deal with the situation at hand. Try a little kindness, compassion and understanding in dealing with this situation and/or person(s) before deciding what to do about it. Let your heart show you the way and you won’t go wrong. Stop,  listen and feel before you react. Don’t be afraid to say you’re sorry or accept an honest apology. It’s easier to forgive or be forgiven if you are being sincere.

The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr. c. 1997. Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.,  Stamford, CT 06902 USA   * Click on the name of the deck to purchase.

If you enjoyed this 2-Card Tarot Reading, perhaps you would like to purchase a Reading, Distance Reiki session for you or your Pet, or a piece of my Handmade Custom Gemstone Healing Jewelry. If so,  just head on over to my Tarot Shop by clicking on the Button below.



Queen of Wands


Self-Confident~Follows her  instincts, hunches & gut rections~

Planter of ideas~Supporter~ Magnetic~Dynamic~

The Boss Lady~


Fierce Protector of who & what she loves~Sexual~Inspiring~Fiery~Growth seeking /giving~

Career Woman~

Business Owner~


Female Entrepreneur~

Self-Contained Power-house, Energetic~Self-Starter~

Womanly power & Mystic~

Think Lioness (see the Black Cat? Her power and knowledge come from a mysterious source or is other worldly)

Can be a Country Woman~

She’s HOT and makes no apologizes for it, she owns it!

Illustration from the Tarot Illuminati deck by Erik C. Dunne c. 2013 Copyright  Lo Scarabeo Publishers. Lo Scarabeo Via Cigna 110 – 10155 Torino, Italy  



I’m having a 4th of July sale on my 3-Card Tarot Reading, but I’m adding a 4th card to make it a special addition 4-Card Reading during the 4th of July week only… then it disappears!
Click on the button above to purchase now!!!


This weeks Tarot Blog Post card is The Queen of Wands.  She is magnetic, theatrical, dramatic and sexually alluring. Look at the symbolism in this card. Sunflowers means growth. The Wand means Power. The Crown means Authority. The Black Cat means Support as well as Mystique and other worldly knowledge, even Feline Prowness, Power & the ability to see the invisible & know what is hidden in a person or a situation. She is instinctive. The colors in the cards shed additional meaning. Gold shows her Regalness and Authority. Touches of Red show her passionate nature. Black shows her Mysterious Mystique and ability to see into other worlds. Brown her nourishing and supportive aspects. Orange shows her courage, fire,  self-confidence, creativity and sexuality. Yellow shows her intuition, her sunny, energetic disposition. Green shows she not only rules with her intuition and gut feelings, but with her heart.But notice that she just barely has hints of blue (in the sleeves of her dress) because this Queen is not ruled by her emotions… that realm belongs to the Queen of Cups. She does not wear her heart on her sleeve. This Queen is all about Power.  When she enters a room she commands the attention of all present, whether she speaks a word or not! Her very presence fills a room and she enchants anyone who makes contact with her. She is Self-confident and uses her instincts and intuition to make decisions rather than relying purely on logic. She is a career woman and self-assurance is her middle name. She loves being in the limelight and can become rather pouty or downright mean if she feels someone is stealing her thunder! She is both sides of the feminine; the encouraging, giving, caretaker, but if you cross her or those under her care in any way, she can tear you a new one (if you catch my drift)! She is the embodiment of the Female Boss Lady (Think of the Movie ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ starring Meryl Streep). Her theme songs would be Hele Redy’s ‘I am Woman’ & Shania Twain’s ‘Every Woman’. She is Kali in the Disney movie Moana and in the tales of many Cultures. She is the feminine power of the element Fire. If she takes you under her wing, she will do everything in her power to make sure you succeed. She signifies growth, creation, ideas, instinct, creativity, confidence and sexual allure. This week you will either meet someone that embodies this woman’s qualities, or you will embody these qualities yourself. So if you meet this woman or find yourself interacting with her, be sure you stay on her good side, as she can make good things happen for you. If you get on her bad side, she can and will make life miserable for you. If this card indicates YOU, you are owning your own power, being authentic,  feeling confident, creative and in control of yourself,  the situation and all those around you. 
You can create success for yourself and/or for those you hold dear. This can be a female (usually), but can indicate the feminine side of a male just as easily. Everyone has both male  and female energies within them. This card bodes well in ones career or if you are a Domestic Goddess whom makes a home, a home. She creates a welcoming space in her home and makes it warm and welcoming. All in all a very good card if you are seeking confidence and creativity in any career, environment or situation… as long as you don’t cross her, or if it’s you, no one should cross you!

Want a Tarot Reading of your own? A Distance Reiki Treatment for you or your pet? Perhaps you want to spoil yourself or a loved one with a piece of my Handmade Custom Gemstone healing Jewelry? Just click the button below!

Comment on this week’s Blog Post or just drop me a message in the ‘Reply’ Box below and be automatically entered in me weekly drawing for a FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading!



Queen of Cups

Queen of the emotional realm. She ‘feels’ her way through life. Leads with her heart rather than her head. Venus. The Goddess of Love. She’s Intuitive. Nurturing. Mothering. Beauty. Soul Searching. Deeply emotional. Maiden. Wife. Mother. Care Giver. Nurse. Healer. Psychic. Dreamy. The everyday physical world expression of the High Priestess.

We sure have been having a run of Cups cards seen in our weekly Tarot Blog Posts recently. The Universe is really trying to get through to us that we need to slow down, meditate, balance emotionally, delve deep into our emotional selves, do some soul searching and nurturing. Whether alone or while interacting with others, it’s time to give ourselves and those we care about an emotional tune up. To pay attention to how we feel and prioritize Love, in all it’s forms. This week is continuing that trend with THE QUEEN of CUPS. Also known as The Queen of Hearts because she presides over the realm of the emotions & psychic plane. She is the nurturer, the comforter, beauty itself, mysterious, intuitive, soul dweller, the seer, the knower, the feminine… Maiden, Wife, Mother. She ‘knows’ & sees into the very depths of our souls without any physical ‘proof’ … this is called Gnosis. She Rules the outer world by using her feelings and intuition rather than logic, facts and figures. She leads  and makes decisions with her heart, not her head. She is mysterious and you may never really be able to know or access all faucets of her. So this week, the Queen of Cups is asking you to go within yourself… spend some quiet time by yourself. Meditate. Spend some time soul searching and don’t be afraid to really FEEL. Use your feelings and instincts this week to make decisions or assess situations and people. The Queen of Cups is telling you to follow your heart. Use your senses. Feel, see, hear with your heart.  Use your intuition and gut reactions this week in order to ‘feel’   your way forward on your journey through life. She asks you to open your heart.  To accept the abundance readily available to us all by being open to receiving as well as giving  love. Seeing her as our weekly Card is also a cue that it is time to nurture  and Mother yourself. Don’t give so much of yourself away to others that you have nothing left for or of yourself. You can’t give of yourself if you have nothing left to give!

In Love & Light, Purple Swan*

The Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti© 2004, Published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Only 1 week left on my ‘Celebrate the Sun Days’ 1/2 price Tarot Readings Sale. I’m offering all my Tarot Readings for 50% off my regular prices. Now through July 1st. Get them while they’re HOT! 

If you are interested in purchasing a Tarot Reading, a Distance Reiki Treatment or perhaps a lovely piece of my Handmade Custom Gemstone Healing Jewelry; just click on the SHOP button below and it will take you right to my Shopping page!

If you liked this weeks One Card Tarot Reading Blog Post, feel free to leave a comment in the Reply box below. I would love to hear from you! This will automatically enter you into my weekly drawing where I give away a FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading to one lucky winner!

If you would like to have my Blog posts sent directly to your email In-box, just send me your first name and email address in the field provided below the Reply box.





  • Too many attractive choices
  • The uncertainty of the unknown
  • Unfocused emotional energy
  • Confusion
  •  Fantasy
  • Day Dreaming

This weeks Tarot Card brings with it the energy of day dreaming, the scent of Jasmine carried on a warm Summers breeze, laying on your back in the soft green grass while gazing at light puffy clouds all the while day dreaming and building Castles in the air. This is the energy of the SEVEN of CUPS.  That’s a wonderful past time this time of year… if you’ve got nothing better to do. But it really causes havoc when the Boss has a report he wants on his desk by 5:00 o’clock and you haven’t even started it because your mind keeps drifting to those hot Summer days!

One of the other tendencies of the SEVEN of CUPS is to procrastinate when you have a decision to make. There are so many choices to choose from that you just can’t seem to narrow it down to one! Your emotions are all over the place when you get this card and you just can’t seem to focus. You may have some monumental decisions to make, but your fear of the unknown is holding you hostage and paralyzing you. The “what if’s” have got you all tied up in knots…. “What if I choose this and it doesn’t work out? What if I choose that and then wish I had chosen the other thing after all?” On and on your thoughts go, round and round and absolutely NOTHING is getting done! You haven’t made the least little bit of headway in making your choice.  Man!!!! What to do? Although it’s really nice to have options, come on now…. pick one already!!!! LOL

However, IF you have the time and no obligations… lay back down in the tall grass, stare at those puffy clouds and let your mind wander. Take that emotional Vacation in your heart. Feed your Soul, drift and sway with the breeze. Exercise your imagination, build those Castles in the air. Your imagination is the canvas you use to create whatever you want to manifest in your real day to day life. So, if someone tells you to get your head out of the clouds and you actually have the time to spend there… Tell them ” Hush… I’m working!!!!” LOL But, even a day dream you’d like to manifest in your real life will not amount to anything but air unless you make a conscious choice and make the commitment to implement it. Make a plan and see it through. Have some fun with the Seven of Cups this week, but be prepared to do the work if you really want to “Make it so!”


Illustrations from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot Deck by Pamela Coleman Smith under the direction of Arthur Edward Waite, c. 1971 Recolored by Virginijus Poshkus, c. 2015. Published and distributed by U> S> Games Systems, Inc. 179 Ludlow Street, Stamford, CT 06902, USA.

Certified Professional Tarot Reader:

Purple Swan*




If you have enjoyed this or any of my Blog Post Weekly Tarot Readings, try one of my Tarot Readings out for yourself. From now until July 1st all my Tarot Readings are on Sale for HALF PRICE, so now is a great time to indulge in some Soul/Self searching and peace of mind. Feel free to click the Button below to Shop or just Browse and see what I have to offer. I also offer Distance Reiki Sessions for you or your Pet. You may also like my Handmade Custom Gemstone Healing Jewelry pieces. I also have a weekly drawing for a FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading if you are interested. All you need do to enter is to add a comment about my Blog Post in the Reply box below.

You can register to have my Weekly Tarot Reading Blog Post delivered directly to your email Inbox and you will automatically be entered in the drawing for this week’s FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading!!! That’s it! I wish you all a lovely week. Till next week.  In Love & Light,   Purple Swan*


Illustration from the Illuminati Tarot Deck by Erik C. Dunn c.2013. Published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. Woodbury, MN. 55125


THE CHARIOT is our Tarot Card for this week. If it looks a little fierce and scary, that’s because it is! But in this case, it is a good thing.  First off, I will give you THE CHARIOTS traditional meanings; it can mean Willpower, Determination, Drive and Travel. Now to get into it a little deeper. This Tarot Card is a Major Arcana card. Major Arcana cards signify a BIG lesson you are being asked to learn or something BIG that you are going through, and have to get through in order to move forward and out of the current situation. THE CHARIOT rules over the Zodiac sign of Cancer (you can see the symbol of Cancer in the bottom right hand corner of the card in blue that looks like a 69. Cancer is the most ‘watery’ or emotional sign of the whole Zodiac, and all that water/emotions, can get the best of us if we aren’t careful.) In the background you can see a mystical beast, part Wolf and part Boar… pretty fierce and scary creature nipping at our heels! Also in the background we can see a crescent Moon which can signify things that go Boo! or only come out at night.  The Moonscape looks stormy and unsettled. So there we have set up the scene for this card…  eery, scary and fierce! But wait! Let’s get into the mid and foreground of the card. In the middle of the card we see a person standing on a huge brick of concrete (signifing standing fast and firm in the face of fear) that seems to be inside a huge wheeled boat. The person’s arm’s are open wide in a gesture of  “Bring it on, Baby! Is that all you’ve got?!!” They have fire flaring out all around them signifying fiery energy… the energy of Bravery (Great card for Veteran’s on Veteran’s Day! God Bless them all! Talk about having to push through fear in order to move forward!) , Courage, Will and Determination. And it’s flying in the face of the Beast of Fears! In the foreground, we have the Wheeled Boat forcing it’s way through all that choppy, stormy water/emotions. This signifies Traveling as well as forward momentum. Traveling deliberately through your fears and what scares the hell out of you! Facing your fears with Will, Determination, Courage and Bravery, even if you have to fake it and make yourself appear bigger than you truly feel. Speaking of feelings… I really want you to take notice of the water rushing over the concrete block the person is standing on. Notice how it is coming from behind them? From out of the past or from what is unseen? But then once it reaches the person, all that fiery energy applied to the past and those unseen fears, shows they have used their Bravery, Courage, Will & Determination to head right into that storm and face it head on. Thus turning all that scary dark and even unseen stormy water/emotion into liquid Gold! By using Bravery, Will and sheer Determination to travel right into the fray; facing their fears  and not looking back, with Will and Determination… even having to force themselves to push through that fear, they have transformed that very fearful emotion and turned it into something of value (the liquid Gold). By facing our fears head on we gain control of them.  Then we can use that power the fear used to have over us and turn it into something we can use to take control over it. That fiery energy  we need to give us Bravery,  Courage, Motivation and Self-Esteem in order to travel through our Journey and lives with Confidence and Fearlessness. If you find that fear is holding you back, use the power of THE CHARIOT to move you forward and right through those fears. Become THE CHARIOT!!!

****Personal Theme song of mine for when I find myself consumed by fear and I heartily hope you look it up and play it when fear has you in it’s grip:  ” IF YOU’RE GOING THROUGH HELL”  by Rodney Atkins 

If you have enjoyed this or any of my Blog Post Weekly Tarot Readings, try one of my Tarot Readings out for yourself. Feel free to click the Button below to Shop or just Browse and see what I have to offer. I also offer Distance Reiki Sessions for you or your Pet. You may also like my Handmade Custom Gemstone Healing Jewelry pieces. I also have a weekly drawing for a FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading if you are interested. All you need do to enter is to add a comment about my Blog Post in the Reply box below.

You can register to have my Weekly Tarot Reading Blog Post delivered directly to your email Inbox and you will automatically be entered in the drawing for this week’s FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading!!! That’s it! Do to feeling a little under the weather today, I’ve re-posted this reading from week 15. I wish you all a lovely week. Till next week.     In Love & Light,   Purple Swan*


                                                    Purple Swan*

                                                    Tarot Reader 


Illustrations from the Haindl Tarot Deck by Hermann Haindl, text accompanying deck by Rachel Pollack c.1990, reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c.1990 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Haindl Tarot Deck is a registered Trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


For a change of pace, this week I’ve decided to do something a little different than usual. All you need to do is concentrate on this question: “What energy do I most need to connect with this week?” Then choose one card out of the three above to answer the question. This will be your own personal Reading for this week. Now, scroll down to the pictures of the front of the cards. Find the card you picked; CARD #1, CARD #2 or CARD #3. Now, read the meaning of your card to answer the question.



Card #1


Intimacy And Creativity

The second chakra vibrates in the energy of the beautiful angel Ariel. She sends a bright orange energy, promoting inspired creativity and greater comfort with intimacy. When this card appears upright, it’s urging you to get creative. Let yourself reach out into unexplored areas of self-expression and new projects that may have a more creative approach. This is also a time when the energies of closeness with others – and nurturing yourself – can flow more freely. You can now open yourself to the emotional intimacy that may be coming your way. So nurture yourself and be ready to receive the affection and camaraderie of the resonant souls around you.

            AFFIRMATION:              “My second chakra is open to its perfect, healthy state. I am creative and self-nurturing, more and more comfortable with the gentle waves of intimacy coming my way.”


Card #2


Being Centered and Self-Honoring in Your Choices

This loving presence holds a pitcher of liquid in front of the pyramids, reminding you that a strong destiny relies on a solid foundation of personal balance and emotional equanimity. Although things may have been out of sync in the past, this card is telling you that a greater equilibrium is now coming to your life. Remain conscious about how you are balancing your goals and your physical and emotional energy as well. Whenever you feel yourself getting off center or losing focus, call upon this beautiful angel and bring her intention into your heart center. Your intuition will lead you in the right direction, and the angel will guide you to a peaceful and centered approach.

              AFFIRMATION:                “I live a balanced and centered life. As I care for myself, the Universe cares for me also.”


Card #3


Lack, Dissatisfaction

This card shows a woman holding a huge pearl in one hand and a platter of coins and pearls in the other. She stands in a silver room looking out at a golden city on the horizon. She has a life of value already, but she ignores that and longs for the shining prosperity she sees elsewhere. Instead of feeling happy and fulfilled, her desire for more only causes a deep sense of lack and dissatisfaction, and that energy shows in her dress. This card is telling you to let go of the jealousy and acknowledge the blessings you already have in your life. Now is the time to shift your focus. After all, when you envy others, it only attracts more to them – not you. Notice all that you have, and thank the Universe for it. Now is the time to move from a consciousness of lack to one of value. With this shift, all things change.

             AFFIRMATION:             “I let go of lack. I look at the blessings in my life with joy and satisfaction. I am glad.”


These images have been reprinted with permission from the ENERGY ORACLE CARDS by Author Sandra Anne Taylor and Illustrator Jena DellaGrottaglia. Published by Life Styles – Hay House, Inc. P.O. Box 5100 Carlsbad, CA 92018-5100


If you would like a Tarot Reading, Distance Reiki Treatment or a piece of my Handmade Custom Gemstone Healing Jewelry, just click the SHOP button and it will take you directly to my Shopping Page.

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Purple Swan*

Certified Professional Tarot Reader, Reiki Master, Custom Healing Jewelry Maker for PurpleSwanTarot.com

9 of  Water

The 9 of Water, which in other Tarot decks may be referred to as the 9 of Cups, is one of the best cards in the whole Tarot deck to receive. It is often called the ‘Wish Card’, because when you receive it, it often means that something you have wished for will finally come true!  What a welcome card to see in this week’s 1 Card Tarot Reading! Dreams come true, wishes are fulfilled, completion of something hoped for is very near, enjoyment, contentment, satisfaction with your life and achievement of desires. Perhaps you have been feeling invisible, passed by, stuck in the day-to-day grind with little to celebrate? Well, this week you can let that feeling go, because something you have wished for, longed for, and very often worked long and hard for is finally going to pay-off and be fulfilled. Your efforts will meet with success. Achievement of a goal will be yours! Perhaps a project you have been working on has been close to completion for awhile, but something wasn’t quite right or it just wasn’t coming together like you had hoped. When you see this card, you know satisfaction and completion is right around the corner. If you have been living paycheck to paycheck and have been wishing there was a little something left over for fun, this card indicates that you will have enough to make ends meet as well as a cushion to buy a little something extra, go to the movies, out to dinner, buy something special for yourself or that special person in your life or just to put away for a rainy day. With this card, your wish comes true. But as usual, there is also a bit of a warning with this card. It is like the Genie in the bottle…. “Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it! You could end up discovering that it isn’t all it was cracked up to be! You could finally get the job of your dreams just to find out that with the title comes a boat load more work which leaves you with little to no time to spend with family and friends. Or that new guy/gal you had your eye on turns out to be high maintenance, money hungry, a loafer or just all around disagreeable… pretty on the outside but dismal on the inside. Or that fancy new car you’ve had your eye on is finally yours, but the gas bill and insurance make it impossible to afford to drive so you end up still taking the bus anyway. Or you finally saved up enough money for the down payment on your dream house only to find that the payments are so steep that you can’t afford them AND buy groceries. This card also carries a warning that you may be able to afford to go out to dinner more frequently, but you may end up packing on the pounds. So be sure that your goal is something you are ready to take on. But even with all that in mind, the 9 of water is still usually an extremely positive card that states your dreams will come true and there will be reason to celebrate!

Illustrations by Jena DellaGrottaglia for the Good Tarot by Colette Baron-Reid @ colettebaronreid.com, c. 2017. Published by Hay House, Inc.


I am Purple Swan*, The Certified Professional Tarot Reader, Reiki Master & Healing Gemstone Jewelry Maker behind PurpleSwanTarot.com. To learn more about me and what it is I do, click the button below my picture.

If you have enjoyed this week’s Blog post and would like to have each week’s post sent directly to your email In-Box, just leave your first name and your email address in the fields provided below the ‘Reply’ box. If you have any comments or suggestion concerning my weekly blog posts, feel free to leave it in the ‘Reply’ box below. When you leave a comment, you will automatically be enter for a chance to win a FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading.

If you would like a Tarot Reading, Distance Reiki Treatment or a piece of my Handmade Custom Gemstone Healing Jewelry, just click the SHOP button below and it will take you directly to my Shopping Page. I have slashed my prices on Tarot Readings in HALF for a limited time, so now is a good time to get a Reading at a great price!


Tarot Readings  ~  Illustrations from the Tarot Illuminati Deck by Erik C. Dunne. c. 2013. Copyright Lo Scarabro

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