Three of Tines

This week we have drawn the Three of Tines for our Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post card. This card in other more traditional Tarot decks is called the Three of Wands or Rods. In the Three of Tines, we are introduced to the concept of 1 + 2  = 3, growth, advancement, pushing the borders of your comfort zone, expansion,  the entrepreneur,  partnership, creation, advice and support. This moves us right along in the suit of Tines. In the Ace, it was a call to wake up and start fresh with new ideas coming from a spirit (and literally from Spirit, or intuition if you prefer to call it that) of enthusiasm and drive which provided us with a new sense of passion for life. Then, presuming we all took that spark, idea or energy and advanced it further (which would have brought us to the Two of Tines), we then made a plan or blueprint (mentally or actually wrote it down) of what we want to do with that idea, spark or energy. That brings us to this weeks card… the Three of Tines.

With the Three of Tines, you begin to look for or search out opportunities and support that will actually move your ideas and plans further towards its actual creation. You look around from where you are now and begin to see that there are opportunities that you hadn’t even considered before that could advance you/your idea or plan further. And perhaps, something outside of where you currently are now comes to your attention that you wouldn’t even had considered before. It’s possible that you are being nudged by the Universe to step outside your comfort zone and look for, take notice of or accept something or someone totally new and outside of your usual  box of 8 crayons, as my husband is known to say! (He says there are only 8 colors in his box of crayons (symbolizing he thinks Rationally, in black & white, facts & statistics, right or wrong answers),while I have the BIG box of crayons which holds his 8 colors as well as every color in between and then some (meaning, I think in terms of infinite; where there are unlimited possibilities, shades of gray and every other color, and no definite right or wrong answers; which he at times finds totally unnecessary  and maddening! LOL) .

The Three of Tines is also about how we all start out as an individual, then we become a couple or add a concrete plan by putting it down on paper. Then, in the Three of Tines, we add to those two influences by creating something totally new from them. Adding and expanding yet again by creating a  child or adopting a child or animal to become a family.  This can also mean we start with an idea, concept, conception. Then we make a plan, prototype, fetus, application, manuscript, drawing, rough draft or blueprint of how we want it to turn out; then in the Three of Tines we look for opportunities and/or support in order to take action to implement our plan and we make a new creation.  In business, we had an idea, then we made a game plan on what it would look like and how we could get there, and then in the Three of Tines, we look for opportunities to advance our idea and implement our plan and we then create our product or business and bring it into the world. We also find support,  sponsorship or an advisor to help us advance and succeed. This could come in the form of spiritual, physical, emotional, financial, legal or the advice of someone whom has succeeded in doing what you are trying to do now…. someone who has been there, done that and can support and help you get there too. They know the steps to take to get you where you want to go. But you have to be aware, since this advisor or backer is already where you want to be, they can unintentionally compete with us or take over and act like ‘The Boss’.  That was not in the original plans in the first place, so be sure you stay in control of your ‘baby’.

The Three of Wands can also suggest that your idea may have included the thought that you would like to travel overseas. Or that to find the kind of success or support you are looking for, it may be necessary to look, send or go overseas or to look outside the box box or comfort zone to find or accept an opportunity that may lead to the success you want… even if just the thought of it makes you uneasy or afraid. You may need to face your fears and doubts head on in order to succeed or create the life, project, product or creation you want. Here there is also a time of gestation, of  waiting to see what our efforts will produce.  During this time  we can continue to accept opportunities or create even more growth while we “wait for our ships to come in” so to speak.  The theme is: we are in the process of creation or creating what we desire. So this week, look around for opportunities and support needed to actually create or advance your ideas, plans, business, project, your family or life.  This card often means creating something you will be caring for or handling on your own. This could be becoming a single parent, starting your own business, writing a book, or becoming an entrepreneur. But even though you intend to keep this as your baby, you will need a supporting cast. A partner  or agency if you want to create or acquire a new family member. An editor and publisher if you plan on writing a book. A financial backer or manufacturer if you are creating a product. Or an advisor or personal support in any venture or change you want to implement in your life. So be prepared to enlist help if you want to grow and succeed in life.    You had an idea or spark, then you made a plan or blueprint of your idea or intentions, and now you are being asked to set out to create it. It’s all about creation and creating what you want in your life and the added support necessary to make it a reality. So don’t be afraid to enlist or ask the help and assistance of others or to  go out and create whatever it is that you want in life. An idea is just a dream until you take action to make it a reality. Make it happen!!!!

Illustration by Renee Christine Yates, from Faery Wicca Tarot,by Kisma Stepanich, C. 1999, Published by Llewellyn Publications, a division of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd., 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.

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Pick one of the Cards in the picture below for your Oracle Reading of the week.

No Peeking…

or scrolling ahead until you pick your Card. Use your intuition. Which Card is calling to you? Then choose Card 1, 2, or 3. After you have chosen your Card…



scroll down and read the message it holds for you for the week ahead.






jasper red

~Nurture                    ~Care                    ~Protection            ~Energy flow           ~Life force

You may soon find yourself drawn into a situation in which you feel compelled to care for and protect someone who is in need of help. This may be a person or a pet that has recently suffered some kind of trauma and is suffering from anxiety or depression. Your love and attention will help them heal and simultaneously you will subconsciously heal an aspect of yourself that is also yearning to be nurtured. You will heal an emotional trauma you experienced in the past, possibly in your childhood, or it may even stem from a past life. There is no need to recollect the past or try to figure anything out. Remember that we each mirror one another and self-healing automatically occurs when we care for another’s needs.

Trust in the healing power of love.



 ~Change             ~Creativity              ~Sexuality                 A new phase in your life is just around the corner. Creative possibilities surface from a chance encounter with someone new. This encounter stimulates inspiration, passion and a greater optimism for life. Your sexual energy is also on the rise and this draws new people and circumstances into your life that you will find exciting and stimulating. Wonderful changes are in store for you, yet you are also being warned to be cautious. Appearances can often be deceiving, so look for inner beauty and truth before you allow yourself to be swept off your feet.



~Preservation         ~Duality                     ~Psychic awareness           Your powers of perception are strong at present and you will experience a heightened of others’ thoughts and intuitively understand their motives and actions.

By drawing this card you are being encouraged to follow your feelings and instincts. Rely on your intuition rather than on what others say – follow your gut feeling, for in doing so you will preserve the integrity of a project or situation which is dear to your heart. In this instance, you are being encouraged not to listen to the conflicting opinions of others; listen instead to the guidance which stems from your own soul and all will work out well.

Crystal Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno, c.2004. Published by Blue Angel Publishing. Victoria, Australia 3150


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Queen of Wands


Self-Confident~Follows her  instincts, hunches & gut reactions~

Planter of ideas~Supporter~ Magnetic~Dynamic~

The Boss Lady~


Fierce Protector of who & what she loves~Sexual~Inspiring~Fiery~Growth seeking /giving~

Career Woman~

Business Owner~


Female Entrepreneur~

Self-Contained Power-house, Energetic~Self-Starter~

Womanly power & Mystic~

Think Lioness (see the Black Cat? Her power and knowledge come from a mysterious source or is other worldly)

Can be a Country Woman~

She’s HOT and makes no apologizes for it, she owns it!

Illustration from the Tarot Illuminati deck by Erik C. Dunne c. 2013 Copyright  Lo Scarabeo Publishers. Lo Scarabeo Via Cigna 110 – 10155 Torino, Italy.    Re-posted from Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post 7/1/2019


This weeks Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post card is The Queen of Wands.  She is magnetic, theatrical, dramatic and sexually alluring. Look at the symbolism in this card. Sunflowers means growth. The Wand means Power. The Crown means Authority. The Black Cat means Support as well as Mystique and other worldly knowledge, even Feline Prowess, Power & the ability to see the invisible & know what is hidden in a person or a situation. She is instinctive. The colors in the cards shed additional meaning. Gold shows her Regalness and Authority. Touches of Red show her passionate nature. Black shows her Mysterious Mystique and ability to see into other worlds. Brown her nourishing and supportive aspects. Orange shows her courage, fire,  self-confidence, creativity and sexuality. Yellow shows her intuition, her sunny, energetic disposition. Green shows she not only rules with her intuition and gut feelings, but with her heart. But notice that she just barely has hints of blue (in the sleeves of her dress) because this Queen is not ruled by her emotions… that realm belongs to the Queen of Cups. She does not wear her heart on her sleeve. This Queen is all about Power.  When she enters a room she commands the attention of all present, whether she speaks a word or not! Her very presence fills a room and she enchants anyone who makes contact with her. She is Self-confident and uses her instincts and intuition to make decisions rather than relying purely on logic. She is a career woman and self-assurance is her middle name. She loves being in the limelight and can become rather pouty or downright mean if she feels someone is stealing her thunder! She is both sides of the feminine; the encouraging, giving, caretaker, but if you cross her or those under her care in any way, she can tear you a new one (if you catch my drift)! She is the embodiment of the Female Boss Lady (Think of the Movie ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ starring Meryl Streep). Her theme songs would be Helen Redy’s ‘I am Woman’ & Shania Twain’s ‘Every Woman’. She is Kali in the Disney movie Moana and in the tales of many Cultures. She is the feminine power of the element Fire. If she takes you under her wing, she will do everything in her power to make sure you succeed. She signifies growth, creation, ideas, instinct, creativity, confidence and sexual allure. This week you will either meet someone that embodies this woman’s qualities, or you will embody these qualities yourself. So if you meet this woman or find yourself interacting with her, be sure you stay on her good side, as she can make good things happen for you. If you get on her bad side, she can and will make life miserable for you. If this card indicates YOU, you are owning your own power, being authentic,  feeling confident, creative and in control of yourself,  the situation and all those around you. 
You can create success for yourself and/or for those you hold dear. This can be a female (usually), but can indicate the feminine side of a male just as easily. Everyone has both male  and female energies within them. This card bodes well in ones career or if you are a Domestic Goddess whom makes a home, a home. She creates a welcoming space in her home and makes it warm and welcoming. All in all a very good card if you are seeking confidence and creativity in any career, environment or situation… as long as you don’t cross her, or if it’s you, no one should cross you!             

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The card for this weeks Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post is THE TOWER. This is another one of the 22 Major Arcana cards in the Tarot deck which indicates you will be going through another intense lesson, phase or event this week. When we see a Major Arcana card, this isn’t a day to day thing, this is something BIG. This lessen, phase or event could be on the Spiritual plane or something that will impact your day to day life on a deep inner level. Looking at THE TOWER card probably sends shivers down your spine or a sense of foreboding. This can be the case, because it can mean a sudden and unexpected ending or change in events that will rock your World. It can be something that shatters your World or something that is earth shattering. Whatever it is, it comes as a BIG surprise or impacts you in a BIG way.

 Does this mean something bad is about to happen? Not necessarily. Surprises can be a good thing… like receiving a surprise party or a promotion or marriage proposal or unexpected help or backing of a project from an unlikely source. You could receive an idea, a break through in thinking or understanding of a situation that has perplexed or escaped you up to this point. An example of this could be seen as when a writer has been experiencing writers block and suddenly is struck with an idea that shatters that block to pieces and they can’t type fast enough to keep up with the inflow of thoughts or information received. Or when you’ve been trying to grasp the ‘why’  or ‘how’ of something and all of the sudden the information just pops into your head. You experience an ‘ah-ha’ or ‘eureka ‘ moment. You could get some surprising and unexpected news and are dumbfounded. Gasp!!! …  ‘You could have knocked me down with a feather’ type of news. Something you never would of expected in a million years! These ‘surprises’ can be welcome, or not so much.

On the flip side of the coin, this card can be earth shattering news that you never would of expected and that came out of the blue without warning. You are notified the company you’ve worked for over 10 years is experiencing hardships and has to reduce it’s workforce and yours is one of the positions that is being cut. You come home from work only to find the house you’ve been renting for years burnt to the ground. Your longtime partner walks into the living room holding a suitcase and announces they have met someone new and are moving in with them… tonight! You have your yearly physical for work and the Doctor informs you ‘they’ve found a lump’ while doing your breast exam.  While there is no doubt that all the things indicated here are earth shattering or even life changing, they may have occurred for the best. It could be that you’ve been going to a job you hate and that has been crushing your spirit for the past 10 years. You’ve wanted to leave this job to pursue your life’s mission, but you’ve been afraid to leave because ‘it pays the bills’. But now that you have been forced out of complacency, you take this as an opportunity to follow your dream. Your rental house has been burnt to the ground leaving you no choice but to find somewhere else to live. You’ve been wanting to buy a house of your own for years, but the actual task of moving all your stuff after years of accumulation held you where you were at. With little left to move, and an insurance check in your hand, you have the opportunity to buy that house and start fresh. You may have been just going through the motions with your partner because it was ‘comfortable’ or you didn’t want to be alone. But now that they have left, you are open to receive a new love in your life… possibly your soulmate that has been waiting in the wings for sometime. Your Doctor informs you that they found a lump. Not news you want to hear, but news you needed to hear in order to catch it early and save your life. These are all life changing, earth shattering things that alter the path of your life or even your spirit and the way you’ll forever look at or live your life. But in all these instances, the changes made, although nothing you would have done or chosen on your own, will clear the way for a better life.

Whether this ‘surprise’ is taken as good or bad, it will be for your greater good. Note that even though this is a life altering event, news, or breakthrough that may shatter, awaken, force or even shake your very foundation or way you have been going through or about life; there is light in the windows, a new dawn on the horizon and opportunity for new growth and nourishment that will spring from these times. There will be life long lessons learned that can serve you for the rest of your life. Just know, whatever comes your way, you can handle it. Spirit has your back. Look for the rainbow in the storm. The silver lining in the clouds. Keep positive and know ‘this to shall pass’. Use these lessons, events and phases to your advantage. Grow the conditions that you do want in your life. You are being handed an opportunity for a better life if you can take action rather than just re-acting. Look forward. Keep going. Don’t get bogged down or stuck in the negativity of the moment. You are being handed a clean slate in which to work with. What will you build?!!

An Eddison ~ Sadd Edition. The Druid Craft Tarot, Illustrastions c. by Will Worthington, Text c. by Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm 2004. First St. Martin’s Edition 2004. Edited, designed and produced by Eddison Sadd Editions Limited. St Chad’s House, 148 King’s Cross Road, London WCIX 9DH

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This week’s card is THE MAGICIAN. It is one of the 22 Major Arcana cards that alerts you that you are going through or about to go through a major lesson or event in your life. With THE MAGICIAN, you can expect to focus on or bring out your ‘Yang’ or male energy. You could be honing a skill or creating something unique, because it can only come from you. It comes  from deep inside of you where it has been gestating… Waiting for the perfect time, the perfect conditions,  to come forth into the world. Be this some form of art or something else that was once only a dream or idea coming from your imagination, but is now being brought into form and being made tangible. This energy is more forceful and brings with it the ability to take an intention or goal that has been up to now just a whisper from your soul or a longing in your heart,  and manifest it… make it real. This energy is your life force, your energy and physical vitality. Your reason for being, or the nagging from your soul to make things happen. To get started on something, to make it happen, to make it so! In some circles, this life force energy is known as kundalini energy. This is where your zest for life and passion reside. Yes, it can be your sexuality, a physical desire, a person, or some thing  that drives you to create what you seek to manifest in life. But it can just as well be a passion for a cause that you hold dear to you and that will propel you forward with courage and determination. This card has an air of taking responsibility with it. Here it is the responsibility to use your power and energy to manifest only positive things in this world and in your life. To use your personal power to do good for yourself and others or the earth herself. This card is telling you that you now have the power and energy as well as the tools and drive at your disposal to manifest what you desire. You now have what it takes to manifest your goals. Don’t run over people or do any harm while you are doing it though, or you will fail. ‘Do no harm’ is the moto here. It is also possible that you will encounter a person, usually male, but could be a powerful or ‘take charge’ kind of gal whom emits a sense of power, confidence, determination and vitality as well as the ability to take charge and get things done. This person is very magnetic, sensual, self-assured and claims their power and ability to make something happen proudly. Whether romantically or in a more general sense… you want to be or be affiliated with this powerhouse of a person. This person could be a side of yourself that is now ready to emerge from the depths of your being and take it’s rightful place, openly and proudly in the world.  You are now ready to stop acting small and own your greatness authentically and without shame. You or they are confident, bigger than life, authoritative, a born leader and have the ability to create whatever they desire and you can trust that your/their intentions are pure.  The traditional meaning is ‘with wisdom and skill, he/she harnesses energy into force, and force into power for the benefit of mankind.’ This person could also indicate a Physician you encounter this week, who will be one that is very capable and whom you can trust. This week, THE MAGICIAN is telling you to take that idea, dream, desire you’ve held inside up till now, and… Make is so! You have the power to do anything you wish. You always have because it’s  available in an infinite supply from the universal source. Always has been, always will be. The only difference is that now you are ready to receive it! Get out there and take action! Get to manifesting! Make it real! Make it happen! Be confident, be powerful, be courageous, be determined, be YOU! Shine, baby, shine!!!

 As far as the symbology in this card goes, note that the man is holding a wand… perhaps a magic wand to make something appear or manifest. He’s got an idea, a dream, or a plan in mind and he’s going to use his energy, power, passion and enthusiasm to materialize that idea and bring it into form. ‘As above (the thought, idea or spiritual message that is as of yet without form), so below’ (the idea is brought down to the earthly plane and then manifested and given a physical form). The man’s wand is raised high to grasp and channel that dream, wish, thought, idea or message, and directed downward toward the earth and toward his table of ‘tools’, in order to ‘make it so ‘. To manifest it and make it real or get the job done. See the symbol of infinity floating above his head? This indicates that the power, energy and ability or skill the universe has given you or them is always available for use… it never runs out, it is an infinite source. The tools on the table … the Wand of power,  energy, creation and passion, which is available for you/them to use to create with and symbolizes the suit of Wands in the Tarot deck. The Sword of thought, clarity, action and justice is available to use to see the idea turn into action but which is pure of intent, fair and just, and symbolizes the suit of SWORDS in the Tarot deck. The Cup which is full of your hearts desires and feelings, tells you to trust spirit and your intuition and provides the emotions, heart and compassion needed to keep you on the straight and narrow and ‘do no harm’ and symbolizes the suit of CUPS in the Tarot deck. The Pentacle or coin symbolizes the tangible, physical, material world of form that we live and create in. The Pentacle symbolizes what we manifest. Our mundane, everyday lives where safety, security, possessions, finances and ‘things’ we need and create to make our lives easier reside. These Pentacles or Coins symbolize the suit of Pentacles or Coins in the Tarot deck. We should also note the cloak he is wearing is deep red, symbolizing the man’s passion, life force and energy and the infinity sign clasp at his neck that insures he always has these things close to him and at his disposal in infinite supply. He also is wearing a white shirt to indicate that his intentions are pure. There are also white Lilies that mirror his pure intent and act as a reminder to only use ones power for good. Notice the red Rose. This is symbolizing again how our passion can be put to good use in order to give our lives deep emotional connections and be rich with abundance, inner success and meaning. This also indicates the importance of love and loved ones in our lives and how they can give us passion and purpose. Notice also, the greenery. This symbolizes the abundance that comes from continued growth and creation. This is echoed in the color of his belt and suggests the direction we should aspire to… go forward in life;  create, grow and prosper. Then as we look up in this card, we see a great and steep wall surrounding the man. This symbolizes both protection from above while we create and manifest in the world, but it also reminds us that things may get difficult and the going may get steep or tough at times. But we need to remember during those times, ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way.’ We have the skill, power and everything else we need in infinite supply. We will be protected and safe as long as we keep our thoughts and deeds pure in intent and do no harm. Then last but not least, we have a bright sunny sky with an infinity sign floating high above, indicating  that we are provided with an infinite amount of power, energy, skill, tools, determination, happiness, optimism, enthusiasm, drive and regeneration from above. It’s ours for the taking any time we need it. So this week, you are being asked to notice and put into use/action; the ability to lead, be authentic, become or manifest something for the greater good. Make it happen.  ‘Make it so!’

Illustration from the Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck by Bill Greer, under the direction of Lloyd Morgan, c.1979.  Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., 179 Ludlow Street, Stamford, CT 06902 USA.

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 As with all Aces, here we have a card of new beginnings, and since our card for this week is from the suit of CUPS; this new beginning will be in the realm of the emotions. You can expect a new beginning or to feel like you did the first time you experienced a particular emotion. This feeling could be that all encompassing feeling of falling in love. The feeling of being filled with pure joy, like you did as a child when you got a new puppy. A feeling of contentment, as if all is right in your world… right here, right now. The nourishment that comes from loving and being loved. Whether this is self-love or the love of another.  Growth and fertility which comes from our creativity, feelings, imagination, intuition and from spirit itself, which manifests as the abundance in our lives. The ACE of CUPS is the card of finding love or appreciation for someone or something, falling in love, infatuation, the birth or adoption of a child/pet/creative or art project. New feelings coming forth such as; peace, tranquility, serenity, joy, contentment and love. Your cup runneths over because you are so full of joy, contentment, happiness, goodwill and love, that you can’t contain it all. This is also the card that indicates you may be opening up to messages from spirit, angels, God, the Universe, the Source, and your own intuition or even beginning to receive psychic impressions. You are beginning to feel grateful and blessed from above and nourished deeply on a soul felt basis.

The symbolism in the card shows literally, a cup so full of water (water symbolizes the emotions, usually of love, joy, peace and contentment) that it can’t be contained and is running over the brim and spilling from it’s base. The cup itself is made of precious gold, indicating the vessel that holds all the precious emotions. Above the cup is a dove which symbolizes peace and love and in it’s beak is a wafer of bread (bread symbolizes nourishment and in this case, that which nourishes our spirit and emotions comes from Spirit) with the sign of the cross which indicates the nourishment, peace and love comes from above, from spirit/God/the Universe/ Source. Also, adorning the cup and encircling the stem, or that which supports us, are a group of the purple (the color of spirit and the color of Authority and Virtue) crystal Amethyst, which symbolizes the 7th Energy Chakra which is our connection to spirit. The hand coming out of the cloud offering us this overflowing cup of goodness comes from a source which is there, yet unseen… this is a symbolism of the importance of our faith and in knowing that we are cared for and nourished by spirit. We can also see the lotus blossoms that indicates the peace that comes from having faith in spirit. Everything is watered and fed by the emotions which in turn makes the flowers grow and the lily pads lush and fertile. There is one unopened blossom which indicates the promise and potential of a new beginning or birth.      

So, with this weeks Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post, you can expect a new beginning from an emotional standpoint. One that brings with it; love, joy, contentment, growth, creativity, insight, opening up to receiving messages from spirit or your intuition and a feeling of having abundance in your life.                             

Wishing you all Love & Light,    

Purple Swan*

Illustration from The New Palladini Tarot Deck by David Palladini c.1996. Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., 179 Ludlow Street, Stamford, CT 06902 USA.

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The Tarot Card for this weeks Tarot Reading blog post is: THE WORLD. THE WORLD is a major arcana card, which means you are going through a Major step, phase or transformation in your life at this time. THE WORLD suggests completion of one stage of your life before you begin a whole new phase. It can indicate you are coming to the conclusion that it is time to end something that has been of importance in your life, but no longer serves your best interest or is holding back your ability to grow and move forward. THE WORLD could be showing that you have completed a phase or project you have been working on for sometime, and now it is time to celebrate your accomplishments and all the hard work you have put in to get to this completion. It’s time to throw yourself a party, buy yourself a reward for a task well done, treat yourself to something special to celebrate making it through a rigorous or tough period. Whatever you have completed, take the time to acknowledge your accomplishment , celebrate however you feel is appropriate, and then get ready to move into the next brand new phase of your life.

 THE WORLD  is a card of things that go around in cycles. The seasons, rites of passage such as birth, puberty, graduations, marriage, childbearing, empty nest,  retirement, menopause, old age and death. Then the cycle starts all over again. Could be getting a job then leaving the current job and then getting a promotion or new and better job, or retiring all together. Starting school, going through school, completing school and finally celebrating this with a graduation ceremony. Finding a mate, marrying the mate, living a long and loving life together, or perhaps divorcing or a death  completes the cycle with that mate and then starting the process all over again or finding  love within yourself completes you. Cycles, completions, celebrations and rites of passage that allow you to end one phase, celebrate and/or acknowledge what has been completed, and then moving on, growing, and starting a new phase all over again.

 On the  solely physical plane; THE WORLD can indicate travel, especially overseas. Perhaps even an assignment or job or enlistment or extended stay is indicated. But this is definitely bigger or at least further than in the country or even continent that you live in currently. This is THE WORLD. Pat yourself on the back, throw a party, give yourself a hug, burn that old marriage certificate, hang that diploma on the wall! Whatever you have or need to complete, do it, celebrate it or have a ritualistic commemoration to acknowledge that it has been finished, then move on into your next new phase of life. Congratulations!!!

 THE WORLD can indicate Completion, the end of a way of life, success. A new beginning, a change of location, hope for the future. Triumph in the end. The admiration of friends. The breadth of possibilities. Cycles of of life.

illustration by Robin Wood, from The Robin Wood Tarot, by Robin Wood & Michael Short, C. 1991, Published by Llewellyn Publications, a division of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd., 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.

To purchase a Tarot Reading, a Distant Reiki Treatment for you or your Pet or my Custom Handmade Healing Gemstone Jewelry; Click on the link below.

Pick one of the Cards in the picture below for your Oracle Reading of the week.

No Peeking…

or scrolling ahead until you pick your Card. Use your intuition. Which Card is calling to you? Then choose Card 1, 2, or 3. After you have chosen your Card…



scroll down and read the message it holds for you for the week ahead.







~Value              ~Confidence                ~Self-worth             ~Money                     ~Wealth

This gold card is a symbolic reflection of your true inner worth. At the core of your being there exists a pure golden essence with an infinite capacity to create!

You are being urged to look within, to go beyond the superficial personality and connect through contemplation and meditation with your true nature. There is a yearning within you to manifest all your hearts desires. At the top of the list you will discover a yearning for financial wealth and freedom, and for the self-confidence that money can bring. Do not delude yourself that somehow money is bad or that it does not align with your spiritual ideals. Money is just as much a part of  God’s creation as we are. In actuality, it is neither good nor bad, rather, it is something to be valued and put to good use.

Sit quietly for a few minutes each day and lovingly imagine yourself having and achieving all your heart desires. Then, set a goal – one that you feel is achievable in the short term. Focus on it each day until it manifests. Then set a new goal, and so on. Goals are reached one step at a time; an ongoing journey you take. Set clear goals, yet remember to always keep focused on the present, for it is in the present that all unfolds.

You deserve to be and have all your heart desires.


Within my heart flows a river of gold. Iam one with the eternal light of creation. I manifest my dreams. I create Abundance in my life through love.


 ~Fertility              ~Reflection               ~Intuition                     ~Imagination                ~Goddess energy           ~Amplified feelings             

During the appearance of the next full moon your emotions and fears will be amplified and you will at times think you are going crazy, however, keep your calm for this condition will only last a few days. During this time you will find yourself reflecting on your life, both past and present. You will gain deep insights as to the nature of true happiness and begin to reassess your priorities. After the full moon, a fertile period in your life begins, full of many exciting challenges and changes. Many new and rewarding friendships will be formed as you embark on new and creative ventures. This is all the result of the reflective light of the moon, so give thanks to her for her wisdom.

Embrace the blessings coming your way!


~Spirituality          ~Positive Transformation     ~Mediation                    

You are being urged to embrace your shadow side. Take an inventory of all those aspects of yourself that you are afraid to show the world because you perceive them to be bad or inadequate. Meditate on these qualities. Acknowledge them, see how they serve both you and others, then love them and bring them into your heart. When you realise that every aspect of you serves a purpose, there will be no need to deny half of who you are. Just be yourself and understand that there is nothing in your life to fix. There are simply aspects of yourself yearning to be embraced and loved.

This is a time of profound change – a time of positive transformation which will have a lasting impact on every area of your life, and to some degree, on those around you..

Crystal Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno, c.2004. Published by Blue Angel Publishing. Victoria, Australia 3150


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Queen of Water

After focusing on the more material side of life in the past few weeks, the Queen of Water asks us to now turn inwards and focus on our emotional side. She asks us to take a break from the hurries and worries of life and of the Christmas Season. From worrying about money, the car, the job, the kids, the Grand kids. Rushing around in a buying frenzy, trying to get just the right gift for everyone. From decking the halls, trimming the tree, baking the goodies and making Merry. The gifts are unwrapped, the mess cleaned up, the guests have gone home, the house is quiet, and you’re finally alone.. It’s now time to sit back, enjoy the tree lights, listen to some soothing music and exhale! Close your eyes, meditate or just relax. Be still. Enjoy the silence or just the sound of your breath. Go inside of yourself, let go of all your worries and just relax. Listen to your heartbeat, hear your thoughts, feel your feelings and then just let go. Exhale and then just breathe. Take some time for you. Nurture yourself. Replenish your heart, body and soul. This is a time for you to just rest.  Let the world turn without you for now. This is your time to unwind, re-charge, defuse and recuperate. That’s right…, go inside yourself, breathe and just rest.

The Queen of Water is the Queen of the emotions. The Queen of matters of the heart. She’s Queen of the intuition. The feelings and the Psyche. She is the embodiment of the Moon. She is quiet, still, feminine, beautiful, mysterious and yet oh so powerful. She rules from the heart and makes decisions with her feelings and intuition rather than with logic and facts. She is the nurturing Woman, Mother and Wife.  She is a Care-Giver, Nurse and Psychic. She is a dreamer as well as dreamy. Without need of ‘proof’ or outside facts, she just ‘knows’ things.  You cannot fool her because she can ‘see’ right through you. She is an empath who can feel others feelings and knows just what to say to soothe a troubled mind.  She is the Yin to her opposite, Yang. She is the feminine power and energy in us all. She is the Goddess of love and beauty, the night, the heart, the Soul. She resides in the depths of each and every one of us. She is within YOU!

This week the Queen of Water is asking you to take a break and nurture your body, mind and soul. To slow down. Take a spa day, do some yoga, meditate, take a nap, listen to music or just chill. You may need to rely more on your intuition and feelings this week in making decisions or making your way through your day-to-day life. You may find you need the assistance, care or compassion from a Queen of Water type person or someone else needs your Queen of Water gifts and caring. Whichever the case, be kind to yourself and be sure to listen to your intuition and your body’s clues and hunches. If your stomach clenches tightly when you meet someone or enter a room… that’s your intuition giving you a warning sign. If you need to make a decision about whether to trust someone or whether to sign on the dotted line; note if your body feels relaxed or if it feels tight and tense. These are clues about which way to go. Remember, you have the power to ‘know’, feel and sense the answers. It’s called intuition. And this week you are being asked to use it. So get some rest. Take some time for yourself to recharge. Then be ready to use your inner knowing to help you navigate through this crazy thing we call life!

Illustrations for The Good Tarot by Jena DellaGrottaglia. Authored by Colette Barron-Reid c.2017. Published & distributed in the United States by Hay House, Inc.

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 Change ~ An ending that leads to a new beginning ~ A necessary letting go ~ Transformation ~ In a state of transition ~ New Beginnings ~Change of status quo ~ The inevitable

This week’s Purple Swan Tarot Blog Post reading is about the Tarot card TRANSITION, which is known as DEATH in more traditional decks. But fear not! The meaning of this card rarely means actual death as some horror movies have depicted it. It literally means a transformation from one state to another. Being in a transitional phase. This card also speaks of an impending change. A change of pace. Changing ones path in life. A change of the status quo. This change will be for the best, but may be met with resistance or possibly even fear. This is not unusual, but it is unwarranted, as the changes ushered in by this card are always for the best. You may be in a transitional period where you have ended one phase and are in the period before the new phase has begun.  This ending or change could be characterized as the completion of one phase in a persons life which leads directly into the next. It could be from childhood into adulthood. From Graduating school, to being set free into the ‘real world’. From parenthood into the ’empty nest’ stage. From leaving one job or career to moving  into or searching for another position. Or the possibility of moving from a place you have become familiar and comfortable with to relocate somewhere new and unfamiliar. Or even the need to leave a relationship that is no longer providing growth, fidelity or even safety any longer without knowing what will happen next. With change we break free from the status quo and have to face the unknown. And with the unknown, there is usually an element of fear which in turn can make us resist this much needed change. Just know this. This is a necessary change which will bring about growth, fertility, success and happiness. As with DEATH, this is something we may fear and even resist, but in the end, all we will accomplish by resisting this change, is to waste time and precious resources fighting what in the end is inevitable anyway. Don’t be afraid to cut away all the deadwood that is stealing your life and vitality. It’s time to let it go so the new can enter, thrive and grow.

Another meaning for this card is transforming ourselves. If we haven’t been living the best versions of ourselves, it’s time to remedy that and transform ourselves into better people. If we have been wearing a mask made up of what we think other people want us to be like, look like, act like and it is hiding our true identity… it’s time to remove that mask. To step into, or Transform ourselves into the true and authentic selves we were meant to be. Stop hiding yourself away or making yourself act small or tough to meet someone else’s needs or expectations. It’s well past time to shine your true and unique light into a world in real danger of plunging into darkness due to negligence, fake and artificial… EVERYTHING! The world needs your light,  your quirkiness, your unique beauty, your talents, your skills and your voice. The world needs you. YOU need you. Not the you that you think others want you to be, but the REAL authentic you. Be big. Be bold. Be Bright. Be YOU!

Illustration from the Connolly Tarot Deck by Peter Paul Connolly. Created by Eileen Connolly c.1990. Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., 179 Ludlow Street, Stamford, CT 06902 USA.

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